Lincoln High School
Class of 1966
Taylors, South Carolina
Home of "The Rattlers"
Loving Memories
What's New
Email: [email protected]
The Hilton Hotel located at 45 West Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, SC is our reunion guest hotel. The phone number is 864-232-4747. Make your reservations early to insure that you get a room.
7 o'clock PM Friday, November 3, 2006 -  Classmate Reception at the Hilton.
           This is a classmate only event. (Music and lite food provided)

7 o'clock PM Saturday, November 4, 2006   -   Banquet at the Hilton

11 o'clock AM Sunday, Novenber 5, 2006   -  Worship Service at The Old St. Mark Church, Taylors, SC
Do You Remember?
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