MoRe G0+G!r1D@n!E11E piCS...
^me in April 2002...
<me in October 2001...
>me in April 2002...
I have quite a lot of other pics, but I can't FIND any (which aren't totally rubbish) hmmm I don't usually look that pale BTW I think it's just the lighting in the two photos on the right. Anyways I'm gonna try to find some more pics cos it's funny to see  my gothiness increasing... it seems to happen every three or four months... so right about now (end of May 2002) I should be going more goth... I want a spikier choke, a corset and a trench coat kinda thing (although now leather cos I'm veggie) and I probably won't get most of the stuff I want... but I should get the choke... cos I mean gawd, 1-inch spikes are like, sooooo last season, darhling... lol... I probably just bored you half to death didn't I? ahh well at least I'm not trying to kill ya all... yet lol... oh yeah, my point was: I will try to get more pics on here soon... ish... lol
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