<BGSOUND SRC="Realm_Of_Darkness-Darkwell.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Yes, it's over the top but it got your attention, didn't it?!?
Hi! I'm Dani and I'm 16 from Hell, England (also known as Somerset I am lead to believe)... and I'm sane; perfectly sane mwahahah... err anyways, feel free to browse my site... and sign the guestbook!!! :-)
"We're doomed, we're all doomed... but tomorrow there will be brief sunny periods, with the occasional shower spreading West as the day goes on..."
I had to add this pic, it's just very, very cool lol
^"I knew I shoulda brought my coat!!!"
^Me on none-school uniform day (oh, the fun of repressed individuality...) If you wanna see more pics of me click here.
OK, goth site: check, mini-me: check, plan: check... right I'm all set to take over the world!!! woohoo!!!
>This is a cool little doll I made of myself (you know the ones people have floating around their sites that they say look just like them?) lol
And they say we never fit our steretypes!!!
>Well, it's a goth site, what do you expect?!? happy, zany pages?!? Well, ok, if you really want... but I'll warn you in advance: be mortified, be very, very mortified... (wel, I wanted to be different...) lol
Mwahahah you will pay with blood... ahem, humour... I said humour...
< Fsss international companies, you will pay, PAY!!!
Click here to acces the Tartfuel website...
Click to go to my pages on wicca...
^Aren't pentagrams cool?!? huh?!?
OK so I guess you've looked at my site now... but that doesn't mean you can go mwahahah I have plans, My Pretty; plans... ahem... I'm gonna be adding even more stuff so come back some time, right? ... you promise?!? lol... don't ask me, I need a zooologist... {ahem} PSYCHOLOGIST... lmao
Oh by the way, you may or may not have noticed that all the images have hidden messages if you hold the mouse over them... hmmm, actually you probably didn't, you're all pretty thick lol... Dani is joking, obviously if you found such a fantastic site as mine you are not thick... and to prove your intelligence add it to you your favourites and then build a small shrine in your room with printouts of the pages and worship me at least 5 times a day... this is a religion called Danism... that is unless you have develloped {gasps} Daniphobia, in which case I suggest you run; run now: far, far awa;, to a place where I can never eat you... ahem... FIND you... ohhhh I'm sooooo sane I'm the only sane one on this planet (except my good friend Gloobzlobbermichkay from the planet Xylophone, in the Electric Umberella formation... which reminds me, don't invent that!!! YOU WOULD DIE GAWDAMMIT!!! lmao feel free to make one...)
OMG my counter was on over 1100 but when I relocated my page it went back to zero!!!
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