gOThY pEOpLe...
<Oh waaw a guy with glowing eyes... doesn't it just make you think you're hallucinating? doesn't it? doesn't it? oh, well... I guess you're sane. That's not my fault. You shouldn't be here. This site clearly said in invisible, non-existant writing that it is EXCLUSIVELY FOR INSANE PEOPLE, such as me, me, and, oh yeah, that other me I don't talk to as much...
Anyway {ahem} as I was saying before you distracted me (!!!) this is a guy with glowing eyes... who's melting... melting... melting... {ahem} onto the next picture...
>Erm a kinda goth faery... don't ask me, but she has wings and eyeliner... lol yes I am insane... anyway she's pretty... prettier than me, so I will kill her... kill her... no not really... actually I just think it's a kinda cool photo... but then I'm weird. It has good lighting and its use of black and white gives a good effect...
<Again, cool lighting. I like how definate the effect is... isn't black and white cool? That's basically the goth colour scheme lol... and although black is cool on it's own, goth just wouldn't work without the pale skin (or at least paler) cos it'd all fade away... just like reality hehehe
<Another gothy person, with wings. Like I need to explain them all lol... don't you think it's weird how only 1 of these pics is in colour, and not even natural colours? like it's kinda like townies seeing pics of 'perfect' people who are all size 8 and stuff, like we get pics of people with pure white skin... strange hey?
Note to self: have lasor surgery to remove pigment from skin, then spend rest of life in dark room in case of sunburn from 20 watt lightbulbs... well I might!!! you never know do you?!? One minute you're sitting in a dimly lit room and the next your skin is peeling off and you're turning into a snake... {ahem} you have sunburn... I am normal, perfectly normal... just like all of you normal, noral people... lets all be normal together... awwwww, isn't it sweet? lol
Anyways, sanity, yes, must not let go, contantly slipping from my grasp, oh I have a headache, I'm gonna go and not exist again for a while... cya all in another brief moment of sanity!!! (as if...)
back... (to reality)
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