Welcome to Mrs. Whitehurst's      Extra Credit Page

Designed to help you with biology and earth science class.
Extra Credit
To Earn extra credit for class, complete any of the following:

Earn 15 points added to your 9 weeks grade:

Read any of the books listed below.  You may either write a minimum two- page report on the book, or you may schedule a time with me to sit and discuss what you think of the book.  This will take about 10 minutes.

1.  The Control of Nature             by John McPhee
2.  Assembling California              by John McPhee
3.  Heavy Weather                       by Bruce Sterling
4.  Jurassic Park                         by Michael Crichton
5.  Meg                                      by Steve Alten
6.  The Perfect Storm                  by Sebastien Junger
7.  Annals of the Former World.    by John McPhee
8.  Icebound                                by Dean Koontz
9.  Any other book about a science related topic that you have
     approved by the teacher
before you read it.

Earn 5 points added to your 9 weeks grade:

Astronomy or Astrology?
     I would like you to do some basic research on the difference between astronomy and astrology. Many people confuse the two terms, or use them interchangeably.  After you have read about these two terms, I would like you to consider and answer the following questions:
    Why is astronomy considererd a science, while astrology isn't?
     If astrology is not a science, then why do so many people believe
     in it?       Do you?     If so, then the question becomes, why do you?

     We live at a time when humans are unintentionally changing the climate of their planet.  We also change the climate of our homes, but do so that we are more comfortable.

       I would like you to identify and discuss at least four ways in which your family controls the microclimate of your home.

There's seaweed in my what??
     Seaweed is an ingredient that is often found in cosmetics, candy bars, soups, salad dressings, ice cream, yogurt and jelly.  It is not listed as seaweed in the ingredients list, however. (They wouldn't want to make you sick.)
     Carrageenan is a generic term for compounds extracted from species of red algae.  Carrageenanas are used in stabilizing and gelling foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and industrial products.  From brown algae come alginates.  They make water based products thicker, creamier, and more stable over extreme differences in temperature, ph, and time.  Beta Carotene, a natural pigment derived from green algae, is used as a yellow-orange food coloring.

     I want you to find and list 10 products that contain seaweed.  Be sure to give the brand, name of the product, and what was on the label.  For two of the items you must bring in the label.

Earn  10 points added to your 9 weeks grade.

Signs of the Zodiac
      A constellation is a group of stars that appears to form a pattern in the sky.  A total of 88 different constellations can be seen from the northern and southern hemispheres.  The most well known ones are those that make up the 12 signs of the Zodiac

     Write down the name of each sign.
     Tell what the name stands for.
     Sketch the stars and pattern of each.

f.  Go to the links page and complete all parts of any WEB QUEST. Turn in all work and documentation to the teacher.
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