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Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy Your Consolations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Palanca for the Diocese of Georgia may be sent to

Georgia Episcopal Conference Center
299 Episcopal Conference Center Rd
Waverly, Georgia 31565

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Go to Participant List

Changes to List

Please separate participant palanca from team palanca and alphabetize both. If more than one day's palanca is sent, please separate by day, participant or team, and alphabetize each group. Indicate the different days with a post-it note rather than writing on the envelope. All palanca should be able to fit into a standard size business envelope or into the Palanca Bag itself. No Large Gifts are to be sent as Palanca. Gifts may be given to Participants at Wake-Up Sunday morning, after Clausura, or at Welcome Home Ultreyas. The Commission requests that you please be obedient to this policy. Thank you for your support of this God's Church, where the words "disciple" and "apostle" become a reality to many people.

Your Prayers
Prayer is essential for the success of any Weekend just as it is essential for success in life. Prayer can come in many forms. It comes in the work and preparation of the Team. It comes in the intentional prayers of the people on the Prayer Vigil. It comes in the intentional prayers of the whole community for the Cursillistas and the Team Members as the Weekend unfolds. Remember this as each Weekend approaches. It is your prayers for everyone on the Weekend, both Participants and Team that God will hear and answer. The cards, letters and remembrances are just a symbol of the prayer that is the true Palanca.


Georgia Cursillo 115

This list will be added to and updated as the weekend approaches.

Team List

Rector: Patty Wainright - Group Reunion
Observing Rector: Pat Bowers - Ultreya
Spiritual Director: Rev. Will Carter
Spiritual Director: Rev. Dee Shaffer
Spiritual Director: Rev. Reed Freeman

� � �

Name Position Rollo
Jernigan, Audrey Head Palanca Cha �
Willis, Lou Palanca Cha �
Murphy, Kathie Palanca Cha �
Shuford, Carlton Head Music Cha Leaders
Marshall, Stewart Music Cha Action
Byars, Clay Music Cha �
Edgar, Tracy Music Cha �
Stapp, Frank Head Food Cha �
Fleming, Kevin Food Cha Piety
Gernay, Nestor Food Cha
Barr-Schwallenberg, Melanie Head Table Cha Laity in the Church
Powell, David Table Cha
Lynn, Anita Table Cha Ideals
Stapp, Marion Table Cha
Posey, Vicky Head Table Facilitator Christian Comm in Action
Fulford, Una Table Facilitator
Gernay, Linda Table Facilitator Study & Evangelization
Howell, Carol Table Facilitator Study
Sawyer, Mary Table Facilitator
Conner, Chris Table Facilitator

Participant List

Blount, Rhonda Susan Thigpen Grace Waycross
Davis, Marlene Natalie Whittle Trinity Statesboro
Donnan, Marilyn Joe Murdoch �� Church of Our Saviour Martinez
Dunavan, Alan Al Jackson Holy Comforter Evans
Dunavan, Shannon Al Jackson Holy Comforter� Evans
Herndon ,Eric Molly Greneker Christ Church Valdosta
Papy, Jeanne Tracy Edgar St Thomas Savannah
Simmons, Saber Beth Baker Christ Church Valdosta
Wright, Lynn Geri Lee Nelson St Thomas Savannah
Wright, Sally Kay Webster Church of Our Saviour Martinez

Changes to List


Kumjian, Jeffrey Wayne Hosti St Thomas Savannah
Wainright, Paul Pattie Wainright St Francis of Assisi Apopka, FL
Watkins, Konya T. Fr. Redd Freeman St. Andrew's Douglas
Watkins, Douglas C. Fr. Redd Freeman St. Andrew's Douglas
Carter, Jason Judy Carter Church of the Good Shephard Knoxville, TN
Carter, LeeAnn Judy Carter Church of the Good Shephard Knoxville, TN
Snyder, Susan Shirley Forsell St. Peter's Savannah
Snyder, Philip Mark Forsell St. Peter's Savannah
Wood, Ola Kathie Murphy and Lou Willis St. Phillip's Hinesville


Herndon, Eric
Simmons, Saber

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