Training your dog

I may often come across a little on the blunt side, (some may call it brash). training your dog Dog illness. That is because I consider myself an advocate for dogs and not dog handlers. I am an advocate for common sense dog training and not the latest fad that appears on the horizon. Good dog training is not rocket science. training your dog Barking dogs. It's common sense. One of the most common questions I get is "Our puppy is very mouthy, is always chewing on us or the kids. What should we do?" For this reason, I have answered this question in several places on my web site. training your dog Prairie-dog-hunting. I'm not sure when to release the puppy tug/sleeve after my dog counters. How do you know that a particular pup will make a patrol dog, taking intoconsideration the dog will have proper training?I have a 4 month old dog that I bought for personal protection. He runsunder the porch and barks at people when they come. What's the story?Our 10-month old Rott is very friendly with people, he has excellent prey drive. Ibought him for personal protection. Should I be concerned?I have an 8-month old pup that I've done off-leash obedience with. Now I want toprotection train her but she shows no interest. What should I do?Is it normal during teething for a pup's drive for sack or tug to diminish to a levelwhere it is almost non-existant?Our 7-month male squirts pee when we approach it.

Training your dog

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