As for my education, I  came  out of high  school  with a  keen  interest  in  science  and technology.  My educational   background  consisted mostly  of   science,  computers   and   other   related   topics.   My occupation  since  my  graduation  from  college has been in softwareengineering.  There  has been a large  demand  for software  engineers  and  programmers  during  these  last f ew  years, so  I  ended  up working in the  same  field.  It' s  been  almost  6  years  since  I've  been  working   as   a   software engineer and I enjoy the work very much. I hope to get involved in a  large  scale  enterprise application development projects in the near future as a I understand they can be quite  interesting. I  have  always had an interestMulti-Media,especially in regards to sound, music and graphics. So perhaps one day I'll find my way into this arena.
Born in kerala ,India I  spent  most  of  early  days  at  moolamattom , which  I  still  consider the  most beautiful place.I'm the only child for my parentsboth N.K.Marykutty and P.M Joseph. My schooldays was exciting with lots of soccer, friends and studies. See I'm getting nostalgic. After my graduation I came to United  States  for  Work.   Since   then   I've   been  working  for AT&T ,  JP  Morgan  etc..  in  the  NY / NJ area. Just be patient and take the time to get to know the complex, private me.Socially, I prefer  a   more   relaxed,  low-key environment,  rather  than  the  hustle and  bustle  of  a  wild night  in  the  city. Yes ! Im introverted. But Im considerate ,relaxed  and  casual  too.. . Sometimes  I  do  become  angry,  it  is  only because something is out of my power.
I like soccer a lot. I was a member of different successful teams like Gandhiji University [S.B. College Chry}, Bharathiar University..   also we had  a   wonderful team back  in  moolamattom named Vikas [ Heroes]. This team is  renowned  all  over kerala as we  we have won many all kerala championships.   This team could match up against almost  any  best   teams  in  Kerala. Also I'm intersted in other arts forms like music dance etc...  Most  of the   time  I s pend  time watching TV, surfing the net on the information super high way and also reading .  As I 've said I'm introverted and reserved most people  dislike me. But people knows me well like and  love me . I also love to travel , but especially to remote and serene places  filled  with  natural beauty. The best trip I ever made was driving from one end to the other of America ie ...from California to New Jersey. I made it along with my cousin Sajan Augustine and  friend Shai mon.  I've  only  a few friends ,but the ones I've really gets along with me.I'm a piscean ( astrologically speaking) , hence the watery nature.
about me
chilling out
cool stuff