I know that the ideas in this might be a bit mixed up � I was just trying to express the things bubbling up from inside my heart, I hope you can grasp what I am trying to put into words.  Just the amazing difference it will actually make to our lives, and how we approach everything, if we really grant Him the Lordship that He truly deserves!

It is just that as I went away to pray this
morning, I just felt that Jesus was telling me more about what it really means to own Him as Lord.  I was so excited I wanted to share it, so I thought that I would write it out.  Hey you might have some to add to this list, just think of implications on our lives of really letting Jesus have His way ;o)

What if Jesus is Lord?

If Jesus is Lord � It means that His plans will always be successful.  We never need worry about any of the promises He makes us, no matter how impossible they seem, because He will always bring them about.

If Jesus is Lord � It means that my life and yours are held secure in His hands.  We need never be afraid of the enemy being able to snatch us out of His grasp, because He always holds us with arms of love.

If Jesus is Lord � He is able to minister healing to the sick, and food to the hungry.  We only need to grasp His compassion for them, and He will do it through us.

If Jesus is Lord � We don�t need to be smart or have all the right answers.  We only need to know that He will show us things when we need to know them.

If Jesus is Lord � The responsibility for families and resources are His.  As long as we are conscientious in the things we need to get done, He will take responsibility for ensuring the other things are looked after.

If Jesus is Lord � The miraculous should be part of my everyday life, because He moves in the supernatural.  All I need is to believe and step aside and see Him work.

If Jesus is Lord � He is able to deal with all the sins in my life, in fact He owns my life so completely that sin is not something that I ever want to do.

If Jesus is Lord � Then He will choose to make me holy and pure.  The world, the flesh and the enemy within me must all submit to His will. 

If Jesus is Lord � All that is required to build the Kingdom of God is available.  All we need to do is humble ourselves and recognise that, and there will be no limit to what He can do in and through us.

If Jesus is Lord � He will answer all our prayers, because all our praying will be in line with His will and His heart.  As our hearts become purer and more centred on Him, we will need to ask less, to see more happen!

Romans 10:9 - because, if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

There is just so much power in really believing that Jesus is Lord � in just letting go to Him, recognising His absolute authority over every area of our lives.  As we truly acknowledge His Lordship and become empty vessels for Him to use � Anything becomes possible for Him to do through us!

As it says in Isaiah 57 �For thus says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, but also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit.�  As we truly recognise His Lordship, and become humble, it allows Him to come and endow us with His amazing power.  It is only once we do that, that He can trust us with such an awesome honour.

Sort of crazy upside-down really isn�t it?  The more we try, the more we fail, what is really needed is for us to become like children, knowing only Him and the power of His resurrection, and being prepared to share in His sufferings ;o).

Yes � I know there is nothing new here to excite the mind, but I found it really fresh and exciting to my Spirit.  I hope it comes over to you in the same way.
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