Bear thoughts
                        What this is about

It seems I have been emailing thoughts, prophecies, and Bible studies to friends for a while now, and it has been such a joy when I have been able to bless or encourage others. 

The emails seem to get a bit bulky at times though, and so in desperation I have been driven to creating a Website where others can come and share the things that Jesus has been saying.

Most of these have been written by myself, although almost always coming from conversations with others, or from times of worship and praise together.  So if you are one of those whose heart is pursuing the things of God, and you want to share in words that He has been releasing, or read through some studies - please come on in and browse around.

With all these things exercise discernment, it may be that things that I have said don't quite ring true with you, or the Lord is taking you on a different path.  Well that is ok, I am so grateful that I am walking in His paths, and not that He is being squashed into my small ways of thinking :O)

I expect this has a guest book to sign up as well.  If something here encourages you then please let me know, if not remember to err is human to forgive divine - (Although there are some who say de vine is for de grapes!)

Ok before this gets silly, I think the links should be clear enough and I hope that you find a blessing here.   In the end though these are only my thoughts, the ultimate can only and always be found in our lovely saviour - Jesus

Love in Jesus - Happy Bear
Well hi there :o)
The thoughts
- Dwelling place
- Jesus is Lord
- 3 hours on a Friday
- Wave Dancing
- Comfort zones
- Amnesia of forgiveness
- Getting started (From Heidi)
- Cliff climbing (From Suzi)
- This has it's own index - please visit
About Bear
My name: Stephen Penney
- Orphans
My email: [email protected]
- Street gossip
- The prodigal returns
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