Getting started (From Heidi)
Each day begins with a sunrise.  The earth has rotated, allowing it to seem that the sun has gone around the earth and returned.  Every single sunrise is different.  They�re like fingerprints, identifying the day which has come.
As we rise, and go through our unique routines of devotions, ablutions,  preparing for a new day, our goal is or should be to prepare to move forward into a new thing.  Yesterday may have been a real drag.  Are we stewing over something someone said or did?  Or are we over it and leaving it with yesterday?
On the other hand, yesterday may have been an amazing day, we feel on top of the world still.  Are we content with that or are we expecting more from our omniscient God?  As we dress, shower, eat breakfast, we must be getting ready for whatever�s coming.
The Holy Spirit took me through everything from using the toilet to brushing our teeth and showed me how it is all a natural gesture of what we should be doing in the spirit.I know some of this sounds really way out there but give an ear to this, it�s actually very cool.  What did we do last night, we fell asleep.  We recharged for another day.  As we rise, we�re coming into a whole new thing, a fresh time of revelation, even.  But there�s still junk from the day before to get rid of.
Most of us head for the lavatory when we rise.  What�s physically happening?  Anything filtered
through our intestines or our bladder is got rid of.
Of course we had to put these things there, ingesting and digesting them.  What kind of spiritual things did we  ingest?  Did we digest things that we maybe shouldn�t have?  Gossip, jealousy, rejection, perhaps we took in something from a spirit not of God and owned it.  Just like nutrients are absorbed and the rest becomes waste, our spirits are able to absorb and filter.  Have we filtered out things that are not s good for us?  For that matter, have we flushed them down the drain?  If we never flushed the toilet, the stench would be unbearable!  Likewise the stench of all that junk will overwhelm
the fragrance of the good things of God if we don�t totally get rid of them.
Beyond that, we all have our own routines.  I�m personally not terribly fast in the morning.  I like to linger and stay under the covers soaking in the new things the Holy Spirit is showing me for the day.
How awesome to rest with my Lover for a bit of time before my day begins!  Are we taking time for Him?  Are we allowing Him to speak to us and direct the day?  For some of us this entails a three hour prayer time, others an hour in the Word, for some a quick ten minutes.  As long as we are giving our Lord the time He�s requiring, He is pleased.  Know that He will show you what it is He�s requiring of you and it�s only Him you�re accountable to.
Certain mornings, I know I have to get up and get moving.  Probably, most people live this kind of lifestyle, so we jump in the shower to wake up.Prophetically bathing represents cleansing, purifying ourselves from sins.  Maybe that�s why  we feel so much more awake afterwards, because the weight of anything we�ve held onto or left unconfused is alleviating.   Even if you washed your hair the night before, there�s face washing, and hand washing�there�s spiritual cleansing we need to go through privately with the Holy Spirit.  Washing ourselves with the blood of Christ, allowing Him to anoint us freshly, we can�t possibly go wrong.
Have you ever woke up and had a dream that you lost all your teeth?  Or that they rotted?  I went through a time where I had these dreams consistently.
With each dream, I recall there being a progression of how my teeth crumbled like fragile stones in my mouth, and fell out.  Eventually, I had only one tooth left (an �I� tooth ironically) and as it crumbled, I got very annoyed with the Lord.  �Gee thanks, that was my last tooth, how am I supposed to eat or speak now?�
In His awesome grace, His reply was this: �Teeth symbolize wisdom, I�m trying to get rid of everything you knew before now and give you new
wisdom and understanding.�  As He said this, that �I� tooth crumbled and fell out, and new gold teeth began to form in my mouth.  I remember being so blown away by this, that when they had finished growing in, I couldn�t even speak.
The point is, if our teeth symbolize understanding and wisdom, and we wake up with plaque and junk on them, what is the natural saying about the spirit?  �Uncover that!�  As we brush our teeth, our breath becomes more pleasant, our gums become healthier, and of course our teeth become whiter.  The purity of wisdom and understanding from above.  Our mouths are possibly the most important part of the body when it comes to our witness, our warfare weapons.  Our teeth and jaws are actually able to close and keep us from allowing our tongues to get us into trouble.  How�s that for wisdom?  God�s not saying we have to have perfect teeth here.  He�s just wanting to give us a visual to relate to.
After all that, we�re trying to figure out what to wear.  Maybe you have a uniform, maybe you have to wear a suit.  If you�re a house mom, or you work out of your home, you can even stay in jammies all day if you feel like it. 

What we wear is often so prophetic.  Colors, logos, patterns, fabrics, textures, pants, skirts, sandals, boots�  Hair up, hair down?  Beard or shave?  Jewelry?  Watch?  Makeup?  Aftershave?    As we learn to hear our Father by talking with Him and listening for Him, we�ll begin to allow Him to even be a part of this. 

We may not always understand what everything means, we�re not required to have a vast understanding of the prophetic.  The spirit realm knows the score, and we�ve pleased God by allowing Him to direct us.
Besides that, and most importantly, there�s the armor of God to put on.  We talk about this a lot.  Whether you declare this scripture over yourself, or prophetically gesture it, is between you and the Lord.  He will show you where, when and how.  Again, it�s not a request, it�s an imperative statement, a direction given from our Commander.
(Ephesians 6: 11-17) Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armour
of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared.  In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan.  Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (NLT)
Are you a breakfast person?  A glass of juice or a mango on the run is more my style.  We�re all of us different in this regard also.  Our parents and teachers always told us as we were growing up, �breakfast is the most important meal of the day!� Sure it is.  Consider that you may be to fast that day, or make even what you eat a prophetic thing.
If nothing else we should try to take communion with our families or at least alone with the Lord.  There�s power in the Lord�s supper.  Prophetically it sends a message to the enemy that we are not taking any more nonsense.  Everything the Lord did through His physical death and suffering was for us.  It was all prophetic, it was all of it to the shame of  Satan.  Every beating every bruise, every dislocated limb was done for us.  His body broken for our sins.  Every tear to His skin, every lashing, every drop of blood that hit the ground was shed for us, for our healing
(Isaiah 53:5)  But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. AMP)  and for the healing of the land.  Taking communion sends the message to the heavenlies that we own this, and are not causing the price to have been paid in vain.
Is the Lord telling you to anoint yourself?  There�s nothing in scripture that says you can�t anoint your own self.Nor is there anything to say that you must use any particular kind of oil.  I know someone who�s used motor oil on the highway in a pinch.  The oil is symbolic.  Anointing ourselves is symbolic of us owning the anointing and blessing of the Holy Spirit even God on our lives.  We ask Him to make it fresh and new every day.
Exercising, tidying up, drive to work or walk?  Each and every day the Lord is custom tailoring to our personal relationship with Him.  Getting ready to face the day with Him is the best way to do it, and it pleases Him to spend the time with us.  These things may seem mundane and unimportant to us, but for Jesus, time with us, spent doing anything is time spent with His beloved.
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