Cliff climbing (Suzi)
Yesterday I took the opportunity to lay down, I just wanted to rest in Him, and pray.  Got to the part of the prayer for the missions, I'm not sure what happened just after, and when the vision began.  Anyway here it is:

�I see a couple, but I don�t see them, I just know they�re there, walking around a cliff, like rock climbing.  There are small cave like things for footholds.  Then God fills up the holes in front of them, turning them to go back.

They were on their way to a rock in the cliff, which looks like a balcony built right in, with an attractive view.  As they turn around there is a secure footpath God has placed there for their safe return.  Once they are back where they began, they look to see the balcony like structure and it crumbles and plummets to the depths below.�

This vision was so vivid and clear.  I believe the reason I couldn�t see the people, is because there were more than 2, and each set had their own cliff.  I immediately started praying about this, [I still remember a time a friend stopped me from making a big mess].

The balcony on the cliff - a place of being exulted that you get to by your own efforts; but it is all illusion.  Anyone who got there and tried to stand proud on that, would not come down to the ground gently along the path - but would come crashing down!!

I knew it was what I'd been hoping and praying for, so I wanted to make sure it was from God and not just my imagination.  Although I know it wasn�t my imagination, if it were, at least one of the persons would have fallen!  [If you'd seen the cliff they were scaling, you'd have thought one of them would fall too!]

What did I get from this vision?  � Renewed HOPE!  And I got a view of the wave we're standing on, it�s not as unstable as it �feels�.  Also, I noticed some difference between dreams, imagination and visions...with visions there is such calm and peace, with dreams and imaginations there is emotions. 

If I could describe it, I'd have to say, it was as if I were an eagle, soaring in the safety above a storm?  No fear, no anticipation, just calm and peace.  I know this vision is a lot for you, but I believe it is for others too, so share it if you feel led to.

Oh another thing about the vision I noticed!  If those people were really stubborn, they still could have got to where they wanted to go, even with the footholds they were using were barricaded. I find a lot of comfort in that \o/ And I know a bit about being stubborn, and I know that if God can draw me back to Him, then nothing can limit Him :o)

The vision reminded me a bit of the passage in Hosea where the Lord describes alluring the unfaithful wife out into the wilderness where the way becomes blocked with thorns.

(Hosea 2:6-7:�Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, and wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths.  She will chase her lovers, but not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them.  Then she will say, �I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.��)
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