Wave Dancing
If we were able to dance on waves, I wonder what it would be like. I guess the way to do it, would be to leap on the tips from crest to crest.  Not spending too long on any one wave, lest we start sinking into it.  The thing about waves is, they are always moving, always changing, each crest gives us the opportunity to leap to another.  The stormier the sea gets the higher our dance becomes, the leaps and twirls of the dance become more expressive.
Every change the Lord brings to us comes in the form of a trial, a challenge, and each one changes us moves us to a different place.  If we hold onto things lightly and give them over to Him, we are not overwhelmed by the wave, but lifted by it. When we are content at the tip of the wave we have just reached, we start to sink, we think we know the wave, we are comfortable with it.  We need to dance, to constantly allow His change in us ;o)
He has started me on the wave dance in changing me by letting me know the Father love of the Lord; after that I had anger at those who had taken advantage of my orphaned spirit, and I had to forgive, and let go and dance to the next wave!  Then I find I am lied to and deceived by people close to me, I see my bosses at work treating people with carelessness � I have to let it go to the Lord, to put it into His hands. In letting go, there is a freedom from the hold it has on me, and I can leap to the next wave.
Then I see I have to release my most precious relationship, because whilst I hold onto even something good, I am preventing the Lord having free reign to bring His healing in His way. I have to yield to Jesus, I have to face that I am loosing everything, my job, my family, my reputation � but everything I have belongs to Him anyway, there is nothing I have that has not come from him in the first place.  Again as I let go that brings lightness to my step and I can dance on to the next wave.
The next wave is to truly desire the best for others, in such a way that I become unconcerned with how much it will cost me to give them release and blessing; and I can bounce to the next wave.  I don�t know what the next wave is, I know that each wave, each trial that becomes stormier is lifting me closer to Him.  I truly desire to relinquish all, I don�t want to sink in the sea, but always remain lifted by Him.
But I am not used to wave dancing, I like to know where I am, I like to have a comfortable solid base to work from, not to dance from wave to wave. � I have to let go of that to be a walker on water, and to truly become like Him I have to allow His waves to lift me, to change me, and not even to look back at where I have come from, but look to the next wave!
Not a scripture in sight � well actually apart from the oblique reference to walking on water, it sort of came from 1 Cor 13 � recognising how lightly love holds onto things, how freely forgiveness flows. Talking of looking back, I am clearing up my inboxes, and letting the old stuff go, ready to spring to the next wave ;o) 

I hope that lot makes sense.
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