Invitation to the banquet

The Lord is good and greatly to be praised
Shout of the goodness of the lord
Shout oh you mountains as you move at the declaration of the saints
The Lord is here
He is among the people
Move aside oh waters and make way for the people of God to pass by
See the chariot of the Lord?
See it coming?
Make way you woodlands
Bow down before our God
Make way for the king to pass by
Make way for the warhorse
The Lord is coming in power and might
He is pouring out
He is making a way in the dark
The Light of the Lord is in His eyes
He looks on us and the dark goes away
The Lord is good
He sees the people of Zion and smiles
His smile cuts the dark
His teeth slice the cords that the enemy would try and bind us with
Stand tall oh you daughters of Zion
No more weeping
There�s joy in this morning
This is the day the warrior brides will walk out
This is the day the midwives give birth
This is the day the King marches forth with His remnant and takes the valley
Sing praises to the God of Zion
His love endures forever
His mercy has been for all
And His judgment is here
There is a city called gladness
The enemy has tried to keep it as a stronghold
This is the day the Lord is giving it back to us
We are the children of gladness
Be glad in the Lord as you shrug off your sackcloth
Wipe off your ashes and be glad
The hour is here for our victory
Make way you skies for the heavenly hosts
Make way for the warrior angels
There is a battle going on and the skies will bear witness
Make way for the king
Look for his crown to shimmer in the light
All you soldiers
Watch and see the standard of the Lord go before the righteous -
You enemi
The Lord has handed the victory to His people - to the remnant
Be glad of this you saints - draw close
The hour is upon you
Gird up one another and sound off the shofars
Bang the drums and cymbals
Make the joyful noise to the Lord and see the enemy fall
Even the land will sing of the victory of the Lord
Even the streams will t
There is a song in the night
A song of salvation
When the victory comes
There is a banquet
A feast of victory that the remnant will enjoy
And they
There will be scraps from the table
And the King will say; �Feed the dogs�
They rejected me
I will call again and give them a chance to answer me - (whoa)
I will call out 9 times
And they will have a choice
I will not send out conscription - only invitation.
Stand ready all you friends of mine
Tomorrow at light we go forth - (dunno if that's all or not)
They are ready
They are the remnant
They are the daughters of Zion
They are the friends of God
They are belly full and wanting more
The Lord says:
This is how I will keep the enemy out of our city.  I will give the watchmen a greater sword, greater vision.  They will see and they will know and they will cut them down, this is how you will keep the city you will take back.

There was a pitcher of cream and the children of Zion drank.
They became fat and the cream was sweet.
Drink more said the king, take up the fat and store it up
So the children of Zion drank hungrily
And when there was no more they went out and saw the fields full of bodies -
And the Lord said
See what I did while you ate and drank from my table?
See what I did for you while you praised me?
Take up the spoils and come back to my house so we will have more good ti
Song of rejoicing

Say to the winds
"Sing you winds!"
"Sing what the Lord has done�
Look at the seas and say
�Give over your wealth you seas
Give them over to the glory of God�
Let the earth sing out
The lands east to west
Let the people of Zion sing with joy and the nations hear
"This is the day of the Lord"
This is the day we stand with Him
This is the day we walk on the enemy
Stolen booty

Blow the trumpets in Zion. Walk to the bottom of the hill, and storm the gates.  Take back the treasures stolen and hidden (*Tears*) Take back the treasures you lost.
The Lord says a season is coming (*Tears*) when He is going to blind the enemy (or something) to
allow us to walk in like the Jones�s and take back the goods from the camp of the liar.  And I saw the enemies stepping aside when they saw us coming.
or something, a voice like a trillion symphonies said: "These you will never steal again"
Look how the enemy deceives, look how his fruit is filled with glass and sand, look how the cream is sour and the meat is rancid.  There is no good thing there, yet my people still sit with him, yet my children still drink his cup of poison, even though they have tasted mine and seen that it is perfect. 
I am sending you out soon to knock the goblets out of their hands, to push the forks from their mouths, to turn the tables over.  Watch the worms crawl from the plates hidden underneath lovely dishes, smell the stench and know that is what I drew you out of.  Take sweet wine with you and share my cup.  There is no one who doesn't need it many will starve rather than eat with us and they will stay in the house of the enemy.
I am going to send you out after each battle, after each wave, and you will take provisions to the casualties and share the plunder amongst yourselves.  Sit with me a while and we will talk of love, and I will show you my heart so you will share it when I send you out.

There was a woman and she had a stall in a market and she sold nuts.  There was a bowl of shelled nuts and a bowl of unshelled nuts and the people came and ate the nuts with shells still on them and their teeth broke.  So they became angry with her.
The bowl of pistachios without shells was nearly full but the people came and still ate the hard ones.  Finally a man said, �we should stone this woman for trying to kill us, look how our teeth are all broken!�  They dragged the woman out and began to argue over who should stone her.  And a man cane with the bowl of shelled pistachios and said, �you must all have soft teeth, these are not breaking mine.� 
They looked about in amazement and said, �What witchcraft is this!  You are in this together!� and tied up the man, but the man broke the bindings, and stood up taller then the rest and said, �What fools are you! this woman has offered you the sweet meats and you chose to eat the shells if you broke your jaws it was out of your own foolish pride, for this woman has given you a choice and you chose foolishly.�
(Teeth represent wisdom in this)

Then the people stepped back and dropped their stones, and the man carried off the woman knocking over the bowl of pistachios.  The people scurried around trying to find the nutmeat, but they were all crushed and filthy.  The woman went back to her stall and gathered her things and the man took her to a new place.
And the Lord says:
This is how I will redeem my prophets; this is how I will show the foolish their folly.  I have given them a choice, and they have chosen their own way.  I offered them the sweet nutmeat at a higher cost and they chose to break their teeth on the shells.  Take heart all you rejected ones, for I am moving you to another place to sell your goods  (speak his word) and they will buy from you, because my man has placed you there.  And the fools behind you will continue to eat and break their teeth for they cannot see.

Heidi Owens  - January 2004
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