Ode to the Subway

by Mr. Acrylic

Oh subway car,
How I love you.
Going home
Or to the zoo!

Your car so sleek,
My jaw is slack.
Oh, no! My gosh!
We've jumped the track!

We do not stop,
We do not dare,
For the students
In Sheridan Square.

We whiz right past
With lots of noise,
The screaming queens,
Those Chelsea boys!

On 34th
We do not break,
And Penn Station
Feels our quake.

The World�s Crossroads
At 42nd,
�Hey that�s my stop!�
A lady beckoned.

On Columbus Circle!
Past Lincoln Center!
Scaring a Prima Ballerina
To the arms of a tenor.

On up the island
Still we go,
With no sign
we�ll ever slow.

Wait a minute --
We�re finally slowing!
Was I wrong
�bout where we�re going?

No tragedy,
No act of God -
I didn�t listen;
I�m such a clod.

In mid transit
To my distress,
Our wayward local
Went express.


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