Files and Downloads

From here, you should be able to download the net-products created by the Mystaran Almanac Team, as well as find links to other material available on the net that we find compatible with the Mystaran Almanac Future, which is but one possible future for Mystara.


The following files are the Mystaran Almanacs themselves. They are the main creation of the Mystaran Almanac Team.


This product details the events of the Mystaran Almanac Future for the year AC 1014. It briefly introduces the new editors of the Almanac who have taken over for Joshuan Gallidox, and describes the new format that will be used by the Mystaran Almanac line. As well as the famous timeline, this product describes a few nations in the Sea of Dawn area, gives the horoscopes for AC 1014, gives a brief economic pricing of a few major cities, and also gives predictions for the year AC 1015. Finally, a brief overview of timeline events for the Savage Coast for the years AC 1010 to AC 1014, and a retake of the events in the Hollow World for the year AC 1013 (which were not included in Joshuan's Almanac) is also included.

Now in version 1.1 (correction of typing errors from version 1.0)

Files are Zipped (.zip). Size is approximately 250 KB.

Download: [Word 6 format (.doc)] [Text format (.txt)] [Rich Text format (.rtf)] [Acrobat format (.pdf)]


This product details the events of the Mystaran Almanac Future for the year AC 1015. In this Almanac, the world is divided into several regions by the authors, notably the Old World, the Alphatian Sea, the Sea of Dawn, the Jungle Coast, the Savage Coast, Norwold, and the Hollow World. Another new feature of the Almanac are the texts of the month, which give a more intimate detailing of a major even which has transpired in a given month.

Now in version 1.0 (version 1.1 is on the way, which will correct typing mistakes as well as add the missing texts of the months and a few extra events concerning the Empire of Thyatis.)

Files are Zipped (.zip). Size is approximately 500 KB.

Download: [Word 6 format (.doc)] [Text format (.txt)] [Rich Text format (.rtf)] [Acrobat format (.pdf)]


This product details the events of the Mystaran Almanac Future for the year AC 1016. In this Almanac, the world is divided into more new regions by the authors, the Old World, the Alphatian Sea, the Sea of Dawn, Davania, the Savage Coast, Norwold, the Hollow World, and Hule. The Almanac also contains a full-size color map of Norwold, and black-and-white illustrations of the events, as well as sevaral other novelties and reworking of ancient concepts into a copious (584 pages) and coherent Almanac.

Files are Zipped (.zip). Size is approximately 2,500 KB (8,000 KB when unzipped). It is also possible to download the Almanac in four separate files of less than 1 MB each for those with less reliable connexions.
Don't forget to pick up the [erratum] if you download version 1.0 rather than 1.1

Full Download (version 1.1): [Rich Text format (.rtf) with images, full download] [Acrobat format (.pdf) with images, full download]

Partial Download (version 1.0): [HTML (.html), partial download (text but no images) for offline browsing (browse online on the Official Mystara Page)]

Split Download (version 1.0): [Rich Text format (.rtf), partial download 1/4 (Atlas & Misc)] [Rich Text format (.rtf), partial download 2/4 (Events)] [Images (.gif), partial download 3/4 (Illustrations)] [Image (.gif), partial download 4/4 (Map)]


This product details the events of the Mystaran Almanac Future for the year AC 1017. In this almanac, the world has been divided into yet several more parts, each representing a large fraction of our world, in an effort to introduce to the reader to a larger portion of the world. One deals with the continent of Skothar to the east; the only part of it that used to be known to us was Esterhold, the harsh Alphatian colony, and to a much lesser extent some westerners also had heard of the Minaeans and of the Jennites who live farther inland. Thanks to the Thyatian expedition to that continent, we will gradually learn more about as the years pass and the expedition progresses into uncharted territories, as is happening in the southern continent of Davania. On the other side of the world, after we introduced Hule last year, and briefly mentioned other nations of that area, we delve deeper into the land of the dark Master, and what kingdoms and empires exist in its shadow, in a section named Western Brun. There are more, and I hope you�ll enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed chasing for the best information to provide you, the reader. The Almanac also contains a full-size color map of the Hinterlands, and black-and-white illustrations of several events and correspondents, as well as sevaral other novelties and reworking of ancient concepts into a copious (825 pages) and coherent almanac.

Files are Zipped (.zip). The dowload of a full version requires dowloading several files, as the files are split in files less than 2MB. Also included is a dictionary of terms used in this edition of the Almanac. Note that there are several versions of the almanac available, choose one according to the intended use (reading, printing, etc.) and your connection (with or without pictures). The PDF files are not only zipped, but split too. To display them you must download all the files of the series, then reassemble them into one file (with Windows, in a DOS window, type copy/b file1+...+filen; with Unix, type cat file1 ... filen >, then you can unzip the file.

Erratum to v1.0

With images embedded, zipped RTF files (version 1.0): [Part 1 (Atlas)] [Part 2 (Events, Winter)] [Part 3 (Events, Spring)] [Part 4 (Events, Summer)] [Part 5 (Events, Fall)]

With images embedded, split zipped PDF file (version 1.0): [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

Without images (images are available in the separate, last file), zipped RTF files (version 1.0): [Part 1 (Atlas)] [Part 2 (Events)] [Part 3 (Pictures as a separate collection of files)]

Without images (images are available in the separate, last file), split zipped PDF file (version 1.0): [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 3 (Pictures as a separate collection of files)]

Dictionary Download: [Word Dictionary File (.dic)]


This product details the events of the Mystaran Almanac Future for the year AC 1018. This year, the almanac does not introduce new and previously unknown portions of our world; although several new nations of the far fringes of the world, that were introduced in previous almanacs, are described in greater detail in this edition. In some cases, various portions of the better known parts of the world are described in greater detail, too. I hope you'll enjoy reading about them as much as we enjoyed chasing for the best information to provide you, the reader. The almanac also contains full-size color maps, black-and-white & color illustrations of several events and correspondents, covers, as well as sevaral other novelties and reworking of ancient concepts into a copious and coherent almanac. The almanac has been divided into three books: the Atlas, the Events, the Adventures.

Files are Zipped (.zip). The dowload of a full version requires dowloading several files, as the files are split in files less than 2MB. Note that there are several versions of the almanac available, choose one according to the intended use (reading, printing, etc.) and your connection (with or without pictures). For referencing and searching we recommend the RTF+pics version; in this version the pictures are available separately and the Atlas has revisions turned on for easier incremental reading (from last year's almanac). For reading we recommend to print the PDF version. The PDF files are not only zipped, but split too. To display them you must download all the files of the series, then reassemble them into one file (with Windows, in a DOS window, type copy/b file1+...+filen; with Unix, type cat file1 ... filen >, then you can unzip the file.

Cover (version 1.0): [RTF+Images] or [PDF]

Book I: Atlas (version 1.1): [RTF] + [Images #1] + [Images #2] or [PDF (12MB)] or [PDF #1] + [PDF #2] + [PDF #3] + [PDF #4] + [PDF #5] + [PDF #6] + [PDF #7] + [PDF #8] + [PDF #9] + [PDF #10] + [PDF #11] + [PDF #12] + [PDF #13]

Book II: Events (version 1.0): not released

Book III: Adventures (version 1.0): not released


These products are also created by the Mystaran Almanac Team. They usually included more specific details of a given event or place which would take too much room in an Almanac, so are released as separate products by Joshuan Gallidox Publishing.

THE ALFHEIM WARS (circa AC 1007)

This product describes the specific events that transpired during the shadow elf takeover of the nation of Alfheim during the Wrath of the Immortals. The Mystaran Almanac Future assumes these events took place, although they are not mandatory for the timeline of the MYSTARAN ALMANACS.

NOTE: This download does not work for the moment.

Download: [Word format (.doc)] [Text format (.txt)]


Situated far from the seething conflicts of Iciria, in the Hollow World, Selhomarr exists as a bridge between worlds: old and new, good and evil, truth and deception - all of these things exist aplenty in this most ancient of empires, whose forefathers strode the world, and vanished from it, before Blackmoor or mighty Thonia began their own ascent to power. Included here is the Empire of Selhomarr Gazetteer, an unofficial campaign setting suitable for all levels of play.

NB - Neither of the .zip files are available at this time

Download: [The DM's Guide (.zip)] [The Player's Guide (.zip)] [A Map of Selhomarr, roughly 500 kB]


This document relates the history of the far-off Kingdom of Littonia, in the form of an epic saga. Learn about an ancient, independent realm whose brave inhabitants have resisted centuries of peril, and prospered. Also included is a timeline format, which provides more precise dates for the various events.

Download: [Word format (.doc)]


This short story relates the arrival of Zoltan the White to the Lothbarth Forest of northern Norwold, and his settling amid the reclusive Shiye elves. This story also recounts the birth of the White Oak, the Tree of Life planted by the human treekeeper.

Download: [Word format (.doc)]


The Immortal Scriptures

The Atruaghin Clans


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Last Updated October 8, 1999.
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