This page is now for archive purposes only. Click here for details about the new home of my Doctor Who collection information.
Having done a fair amount of tape trading over the years, I've assembled these guidelines so that everyone will know what to expect in advance. I've found that it's the best way to ensure that we're both happy with our trades. If you have questions about these points, or if you prefer to trade in another manner, please contact me first to discuss terms.
I now live in the Middle East, which will effect the cost and time of shipping trades. Please keep that in mind before making a request. Also, please factor in the time difference between here and wherever you are if you're waiting for an answer to your emails. The time here may be as much as 9 to 12 hours later than in the US.
These lists are as much for me to keep track of what I�ve got as they are for potential traders. With that in mind, not everything on here is tradable, particularly the commercial releases. If an official release exists, please purchase that instead.
I am an official distributor of reconstructions, which are free and not-for-profit. If you�d like any of those, please either write to me for details, or check out the Loose Cannon web page or my own reconstruction page.
All my DVDs of the televised episodes are burned from the VHS commercial releases and are episodic versions unless otherwise noted. Catagorically bootlegged material (conventions, studio footage, etc.) are from various sources and of widely varrying quality (see guide below).
All of my tradeable videos are on DVDR discs (unless specified otherwise) and are traded as such. Discs are traded as listed - please do not request individual items from different discs be combined together. 
All audio titles are in MP3 format and traded on data DVDrs or data CDRs, depending on the amount traded. Audio CDRs are possible as well, but will increase the number of discs and therefore the total value of the trade (i.e. you will need to provide more in return).
I like to keep the number of items traded and the length of programming as equal as possible.
I ship via air mail and ask the same in return.
For those who are not familiar with different video standards, these have to do with the number of frames displayed per second and the number of lines making up the visible screen. The United States and Canada use NTSC while the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand use PAL.

The important thing to know is that discs formatted in one standard will usually not play in machines of another. There are multi-standard and region-free DVD players available, but they are rare in the United States. More often than not, NTSC discs will play on PAL players. Whichever system you use, please check to make sure your player can handle DVDs in the format of the disc you are requesting.
A number of people have asked if copies of these tapes are for sale. Trades are always my first preference, so If you have anything Who at all, you might want to send me a list. You can never tell what I might need better copies of.

Since I've also heard from people who don't have much Who to trade yet, I've worked out this pricing system based on my costs discs, packing, and a little something extra for the time involved): $5/disc including air mail postage. If you prefer

My preferred method of payment is in e-gift certificates from Who North America (, or, depending on your location and what's currently available. It's quick and secure, and ultimately adds something new to the collection.

Keep in mind that this
does not include anything which has an official release. If there is an official version of an item in release anywhere, or even a pending release, please purchase that instead. It is only our support of official BBC products (and their licensees) that keeps new videos, audios and other merchandise coming out.

If you have questions that aren't answered here, please
email me.
For quicker reference, I've set up this format for my listings.

                             Title                 [#of episodes]   -    source*     (quality�)      {notes, if any}
  Sample = The Horns of Nimon               [4]          -       other            (7)              {episodic}

(*if it says nothing here, that means it's either a commercial release, or a bootleg by nature)
if applicable - "?" means it has not yet been rated - see below)
You'll note that for those discs which are not commercial releases, I have indicated the overall quality of the recording in a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being best or equivalent to a commercial release. I�m still in the process of implementing this scale, so not all ratings currently reflect this.
? = Not yet rated
10 = Clear, sharp picture (equal to commercial release)
9 = Still very clear, but not entirely sharp
8 = Mostly clear, but with some loss of definition
7 = A little grainy, with loss of detail
              (facial features & small print)
6 = Very grainy
5 = Snowy or blotchy picture
4 = Picture often difficult to interpret
3 = Impossible to distinguish objects in picture
2 = Screen almost blank
1 = You don�t want to know
i = Interference (brief static or vertical/horizontal lines)
ii = Considerable interference
c = Color bleeding
cc = Color loss (or gone altogether)
s = low sound
ss = sound interference/static
Doctor Who is copyright � by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). No infringement intended.
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