Welcome to my Guestbook!

Janna Taylor - 12/28/00 02:00:50
My URL:http://home.gci.net/~taylor2001
My Email:[email protected]

I wanted to tell you I really like your backgrounds, I didn't use one, but I could see where I might in the future, they are all very nice. j

th�r�se - 12/22/00 18:39:36
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Bravo votre site est tr�s tr�s beau, merveilleux f�licitations Th�r�se

Irene - 12/13/00 12:34:22
My URL:http://irenes-place.virtualave.net
My Email:[email protected]

Exceptionally beautiful gallery of work!! I'm very impressed with how lovely they are. Bravo!!!

Autor - 12/01/00 01:37:44

Please sign and view my new guestbook since 1 of December 2000

Dolph and Sylvia Heideman - 11/30/00 16:20:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/dolphheideman/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Galina, we loved to visit your homepage and we enjoyed looking at the pages. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful wallpapers and backgrounds with us. Keep up your good work and best regards. Dolph and Sylvia, Amsterdam - The Netherlands.

Laura - 11/28/00 18:51:59
My URL:http://heavenlylights.homestead.com/
My Email:[email protected]

I wanted to stop out and tell you how much I enjoyed your postcards! They are just precious! God bless and Merry Christmas!

silver_senshi - 11/26/00 03:15:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/violeTThunder
My Email:[email protected]


Krystalmoon - 11/23/00 22:14:34
My URL:http://geocities.com/sallythorgrimson
My Email:[email protected]

Dear Galina Thanks a lot for the look of your webpages. I downloaded some of the wallpapers and borders. It a beautiful collection you have christmas. and what a sweet idea with your fathers artwork. Remind me of my childhood. Beatiful. Thanks again for the sight - Ill be back sally

Glenn & Kylie - 11/18/00 11:20:22
My URL:http://www.australianchristmas.com
My Email:[email protected]

Good postcards, have also sent an email

Th�r�se Morin - 11/09/00 00:58:13
My Email:[email protected]

Votre site est tr�s beau, very very nice, je n'ai pas encore de site, mais si j'en ai un un jour, je mettrai bien sur votre logo et je vous �crirez, en attendant, je trouve que vous avez un tr�s beau talent, et merci de nous montrer de si belles choses. Th�r�se

Chefz - 11/07/00 00:16:02
My URL:http://spotted-dog-designs.com
My Email:[email protected]

I love your graphics -- the textile patterns are great, and very old-fashioned looking. I especially like the oval picture frames!

Bill - 11/06/00 22:29:28
My URL:http://www.musicnotes.com/christmas
My Email:[email protected]

Hey, just wanted to say I like the site. I also wanted to let you know about Musicnotes.com's Holiday Sheet Music collection. Follow the link for a large collection of Christmas sheet music - carols, etc.

Marjorie - 11/03/00 21:44:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sweet_lil_mo/mycountrypage.html
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for sharing those wonderful x-mas postcards I haven't yet seen everything else on your site, I'm off to do that now.

The Dixie Belle - 10/17/00 06:15:48
My URL:http://angels.thesitewars.com
My Email:[email protected]


loz - 10/16/00 06:49:35
My Email:[email protected]

its great mate

Frankie Paxton - 09/14/00 20:56:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/frankie_paxton/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

GREAT work, love your backgrounds

Astro - 08/25/00 14:32:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/byastro
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Galina, What beautiful graphics you make. I noticed from my counter that your URL was the one a lot of my visitor had last visited so I wanted to stop by and take a look around your site. You do very nice work (or if you are like me you consider it pla *L*) Keep up the good work.

Charisma - 08/25/00 12:49:35
My URL:http://~home.beseen.com/hobbies/shyrena/main.html
My Email:[email protected]

love your website....and I will come back to visit it again....keep up the great work. Charisma

Colleen - 08/02/00 13:31:52
My URL:http://colleenscorner.com

Hi Galina, I am so impressed with your graphics. You have done a wonderful job. ~ Colleen ~

Ellen - 03/25/00 18:06:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5872
My Email:[email protected]

I wanted to take the time to visit your site today, I think your graphics are wonderful..I just love your textures too! And last but not least say.."Congradulations Galina on winning the March contest!..Your winning logo was definitely deserving of 1st pr ze! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents and see you in the forum!

guy nuyens - 02/02/00 18:25:42
My Email:[email protected]

very good I like it.............................. greathings from belgium

Satit - 01/30/00 14:46:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/satitp
My Email:[email protected]

Correction, the former URL is my Thai homepage this is my English Page. Proud to be your first guest.

Satit - 01/30/00 14:39:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Wetlands/5486/
My Email:[email protected]

By chance passing and saw very beautiful background. I'vee copied some from here, thank you. Satit Thailand

autor - 01/07/00 01:39:27

test 2000

autor - 12/27/99 23:50:55


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