Questionable Ramblings Page 4
Scott 8/24/01- AH geez, school starts in less then a week! damnit i dont wont to go back to school, i mean summer went by to fast! oh well the only good part is that i got my locker right next to Marlo and Jeff!

Marlo 8/27/01 -Hey Goons... dude, wasn't Jay and Silent Bob funny? Shit man.. Shannon Elizabeth is gorgeous! Anyway, I gotta give credit to the guy who worked at Ben and Jerry's. That was a shitload of sprinkles for 50 cents; and when Scott added the skittles to the mix it was really tasty! And wasn't Fabio great?! uhhh.... nevermind. Anyway.... it was a mexican pirate.....

Jeff 8/28/01- man Jay and Silent Bob was the Shit, well not really...

Scott 8/28/01- Hey guys Yesterday marlo,Jeff and I payed to see Bubble Boy but then we sneeked into Jay and Silent Bob. The best part of the movie was not seeing that other crapy movie "Bubble Boy." I hope marlos moms not reading this....anyways, Marlo your ex-girlfriend IM me, so now im talking to her as "Donovan" remeber? I dont know what to say to her but this is pretty funny! Well im done rambling for today, later guys.

Ricardo 8/28/01- you saw a movie with out me??? oh well i woulda done the same...

Marlo 9/1/01- Hey Goons.. well... school started on Wednesday and lemme tell ya... and most of you would agree...... it sucks!! I mean... My world history and bio teacher are going to kill me with homework. But anyway, I'm in Redondo Beach right now and I was at this street festival today. Guys... we gotta get the hell out of Simi, there are some really fine hotcakes out here! (hotcakes being fine ass women) We still love all the hotcakes from Simi though. (hotcakes is my one may steal it!) But anyway, we have rehershal on tomorrow for like 3 hours and then Monday all day so I hope we can get some stuff accomplished this weekend. Whenever we get some good stuff going we'll post it on the site! Well.. I'm gonna go get me some sushi.. oh! My Bio was updated, so if anyone wants to go see it, knock yourself out.... literally... but yea.......later guys...and remember "I slit the sheet.."

Scott 9/4/01- Marlo stop trying so hard, Hotcakes... what the hell is that? You wont have to worry about anyone stealing that because its really gay. Well guys we should look into some drummers now that Ricardo is least i think he is. Whatever later guys

Jeff 9/8/01- Shit guys, we really need to find a drummer. If anybody is or knows of a drummer, let us know! If we're gonna be performing at the 2002 Battle of The Bands, we really need to start practicing! We practiced a few days ago and Scotts stupid amp broke! Damn! So now we can't really practice until he gets another one. Or a drummer. Well, the good news is, before it broke, we did manage to complete our first song. I'm working on the lyrics right now, so we should have something available soon. 1 down 3 to go guys. If we practice hard we can probably make it. On the plus side though, I get my new guitar in about 3 weeks!

Scott 9/9/01- Hey, I got my new bass amp today! Its so freakin cool, at least we can practice now (sorta.) i hope we can get a drummer soon, but intill then Gates saids he'll let us use his drum machine if he can get it back form ryan sayer! Well im gonna go, see yah guys later...

Marlo 9/9/01- Well first things first... I will not use anything that was used, touched, or owned by Ryan Sayer...
Good day..

Jeff 9/9/01- WE don't need a damn drum machine guys....we need a drummer! A drum machine is just a fancy word for metronome.

Scott 9/10/01- gezz, ok it was just a suggestion!
Highlight Key:

Marlo - Red

Jeff - Blue

Scott - Green

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