Questionable Ramblings Page 5
Scott 9/16/01- Yeah, we practice today. We got the first part of a new song down, now we just have to finish it. well thats an up date :::::i guess:::::

Jeff 9/29/01- Ah...the fourth page of ramblings, hell yeah! Those assholes at ESP still havent sent my guitar to World Music! That really sucks because in 2 days I'll have the money to pay it off! Damnit! Oh well...We need a Drummer! Fast! Like I said, I talked to Matt, and he says he knows some people, plus Marlo is gonna make an ad for World Music this thursday. I really hope we can find one soon so we'll be ready for the Battle of the Bands.

10/7/01- whats the deal with marlo ditching practice every week? last week he had to got to a "party", then this week its."OH guys, im gonna be in san diego so dont even bother practicing." better be here next week marlo..j/k.

Jeff 10/20/01- No j/k here dude, you better get your ass to practice more often. Shit man, you saw how productive we were last time as opposed to the time before...and how the hell are we supposed to audition drummers and pick one when you only show up to every other practice? What the hell man? Shit...well on a lighter note my guitar is coming on wednesday, and hopefully I'll get them to take a little more off the price cuz I had to wait so damn long.

Marlo 10/21/01- You know.. I am a minor, I can't drive, and I live with my parents, it's kinda hard getting my way when you're under those circumstances. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnyway... Yea man, I can't wait till you get that ESP Viper, it's totally gonna rock... to the extreme! Hey, after my driver's ed yesterday, my dad took me to see UCLA play at the Rose Bowl. It was really sweet! OPTIC CHAIN! They kicked ass 57-16. Yupyup... umm let's see what else... damn.. I'm so tired of this daily routine shit. get up... go to school. get home... do homework.. play guitar.. eat dinner.. go to bed... and do it all over again the next day. Something good needs to happen... and soon.... Later guys...

Scott 10/26/01- yeah i havnt rambled in awhile but thats ok because noone reads this crap anyways. Jeff nice work on gettin that new guitar,my favorite part is when u stayed home the next day from school,so you could be with it::::nice:::::marlo you better not ditch this practice, because if you do...then ill sit here and complain. right..... later "fans"

Scott & Jeff 10/28/01- Look Marlo, we got some problems here. We're pretty sure you know what they are, but we'll tell you anyway. You aren't showing up to practice. You have come to ONE out of the last 5 practices, and thats not cutting it. We realize that sometimes it isn't your fault, its your parents. On the times that its your fault: WAKE UP! Its not like we just sprung this on you...we've been practicing every sunday for quite some time now, we schedule our plans around this so you need to as well. On the times when its your parents: You arent exepmt from blame here either. Your parents need to  understand you have a life and 2 angry bandmates which requires you to come to practice. They may not understand this, but it is your job to make sure they do. And don't say that we can't make any more progress without a drummer. We can write songs, rythms, and practice what we have to get our timing and everything down, among other things. When we don't practice we become very unproductive. The last practice we had that was consecutive, we wrote an entire song. After you not showing up for 3 weeks, all we did was watch cartoons and stick shit in Scott's microwave. Bottom line: Start showing up, or we're not going to make any progress, find a drummer, or be ready in time for the Battle.
Highlight Key:

Marlo - Red

Jeff - Blue

Scott - Green
More Questionable Ramblings Page 4
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