Questionable Ramblings
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Marlo: Red

Jeff: Blue

Scott: Green

Blake: Orange
Scott 12/2/01- hey guys, damn nobody has rambled in a month! well i guess we are pretty busy, with finding a new drummer and all. Hopefully Marlo will finsih lyrics on one of the songs sometime soon...anyways this is the 6th Questionable Ramblings page! wow, well i g2g late.

Marlo 12/16/01- Hey everyone.. uhh yea... umm I thought this page was about the ramblin', know what I'm sayin'? Cuz that's what Jim "R" thought so too, but ever since he caught me with his daughter, he's like... "no way man!" and I'm like 'tshaa.. you better believe it!" Heh.. I later called Fabio and told him all about it. He agreed with Jim at first but then he saw the infomercial for the RONCO "showtime rotisserie" (restricted) and he's like "dude marlo.. I can't believe you can just "set it and forget it!" I'm like "yea Fabio I know! I mean that's right!"

Scott 12/16/01- ::::::::backing away slowly::::::

Jeff 12/16/01- Uhh...What the hell is Marlo talking about? Anyway, yeah...I'm rambling...The QA animations page is genius....

Jeff 12/31/01- wheres your hat?

Scott 12/31/01- what hat?

Jeff 12/31/01- you know that hat you where wearing...

Scott 12/31/01- I wasnt wearing a hat...I was wearing a hood...

Jeff 12/31/01- phsss...whatever

Jeff 1/13/02- Marlo ditching practice again....
you whore!

Scott 1/13/02- He is such a bitch...

Marlo 1/19/02- NHOT!!!

Blake 1/29/02- What ever think your so cool showing up late for practice, well your "NHOT" ...bitch

Blake 1/30/02- So Jeff, what was up w/ Hilary calling u every 5 minutes at rehearsal?

Scott 2/2/02- Blowing up Rice Kripspies in my microwave is funny...right guys? Next time we should put 2 or 3 of them in there at the same time and see what happends.

Blake 2/24/02- Well, no body has rambled in alomost a month, so here I go bitches. Yeha! Well, that rehersal was pretty down right dickity. Man, those aol discs......shit! Yeah, so we gonna kick some major ass at the talent show, right foos?!!!!

Scott 2/25/02 - Did you just call me a "foo?"....anyways im sure that "Beth"(refer to the guest book to know what im talking about) must be heart broken to know that Marlo wasn't at the recording session on Saturday...cause she just "luvs" Marlo... what the hell is a "luv" anyway I mean why don�t you just spell love? It�s one extra letter, what�s her problem?

Jeff 3/3/02 - Yeah..its like....12:30 AM. I'm tired. We gotta get to practice on tuesday early so we can set up the PA...and hopefully it wont take us too long to set up the night of the show... it should go really well assuming marlo actually gets there when hes supposed to...which will never i guess we're screwed. Damnit marlo!

Blake 3/26/03 - So, this yellow is ugly, like me I guess so it's cool. I hate women. And I hate stupid people. Hey Jeff, just remember...Chai Latte, not TRI Latte. Ok?
So yeah, the unplugged rehearsal is cool w/ me. Just need a when and where and yeah. There ya go. Well. I hate you all, so I'm gonna sign off. Later Mofo's!
Questionable Ramblings Page 5
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