Questionable Ramblings
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Brendon: Silver

Marlo: Red

Jeff: Blue

Scott: Green

Blake: Orange
Brendon 4/24/02- oh this is the new page, whatever :::blake smells:::::

Blake 4/25/02- Brendon your mom smells. And so do you. Sup dawg I aint' got nuthin. So yeah boys, we are a band now, let's kick some ass!

Scott 4/26/02- hey guys, blake you have to many pictures on your bio page! Marlo, Jeff, and I all have pictures of the gutiars that we actually play. You should take a pic of that crapy school drum set and pass it off like its yours on the site...that whould be funny. Why hasnt marlo rambled in like forever?

Marlo 5/17/02- dah.. me don't know.. me have to go to bank now. So like Scott missed out on the ring yo! What gives? I'm telling you... man.. no one can trust that Josten's guy... he's like, "YOU THAI NOW!" But yes.. rambling has occured and now I shall subside..

Questionable Ramblings Page 6
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