apply story cast
the gate
* star-crossed*¯*fated * <*> apply

We are thrilled you're interesting in joining! ^_^

Please follow the steps below to ensure your application will be looked at and reviewed.


SC*F Application

I am only casting for the Untamed life cycle at this time.

Fill out the form to the best of your ability. When you're done, please send it to [email protected].

Your name/handle:

Your email address: (please make this an active one)

Character(s) you are auditioning for: (you can apply for up to three characters. this will give you more chances of being cast, but does not necessarily guarantee that you will be.)

Audition (Sample journal entry):
(start this on another line (like with this little sentence) for clarity.)

Your sample entry will consist of anything you like, but you MUST do this in character and you MUST make it look like a journal entry (ie, "I met with so-and-so today." "What's happened is... unbelievable."). I realize this may be a bit difficult, what with the feeble descriptions I've offered for each character. Just try your best.

One more thing: You shouldn't be here if you haven't read the rest of the information on the site. Seriously.


coming back to haunt you...