Gary & Roberto's End2enD
What The Papers Say
[ Picture of Gary from The Hull Daily Mail ]
Click on this thumbnail picture to see an article about End2enD from The Hull Daily Mail (108 kB).
[ Picture of Gary from The Doncaster Star ]
Click on this thumbnail picture to see another article about End2enD from The Doncaster Star (268 kB).

January 14 2006

Click on this thumbnail picture to see another article (92 kB) about End2enD from the University of Hull Alumni Web-Site.

April 2006 

Click on this thumbnail picture to see another article (104 kB) about End2enD from the Bed And Breakfasts Guide web-site who have helped us arrange accommodation and whose sponsorship has taken us through the £1,600 barrier!

April 2006

[ thumbnail for HEY article ]
Click on this thumbnail picture to see a brief advert (36 kB) about End2enD from the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS staff newsletter (the MRI centre where we work is based at Hull Royal Infirmary).

April 2006

Click on this thumbnail picture to see another article (76 kB) about End2enD from Messenger: the magazine for supporters of Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Spring 2006

Click on this thumbnail picture to see a brief advert (20 kB) about End2enD from Focus: the weekly news-sheet for Hull Community Church (where one of our friends goes).

23 April 2006

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Page most recently updated 06 May 2006 by Dave Manton.
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