Process Paper
    We are a generation born into a new frontier of technology that changes the way we veiw the world.  Bill Gates is the person who pioneered this new frontier with his genius in developing computer programs and the development of his billion-dollar business, Microsoft.  Because of Bill Gates and others, we have a closer connection to our neighbors around the world.
     The California History Day topic for the year 2001, is
"New Frontiers: People, Places, and Ideas".  I chose Bill Gates for my project because he shows the courage, conviction, and tenacity of an explorer opening up a vast new frontier to benefit all.  He started on his path of adventure when he was just my age - 14!  Plus, this new frontier affects my every day life.
     Bill Gates helped give us the gift of PC's on almost every desk and in almost every home, so the natural format for my report was to set up a web page.  I received permission from Mr. Campbell, my Social Science teacher, to research Bill Gates and to use the web page for my forum.  My research for the project also came mostly from the internet, and some from Bill Gates' own personal web page.
     To get a broader look at Mr. Gates' life, I went to the San Clemente Library, the Mission Viejo Library, and our own Shorecliffs Middle School Library to check out books pertaining to his personal life and his business life.  I was not as successful as I had hoped in finding books on my subject, but I was able to find a few books and some magazines.  I was also very fortunate that on A&E "Biographies", Channel 76, December 19, 2000, the program was "Biography of Bill Gates".  This gave good insight from his mother and father, friends and business associates, pro and con on what makes Bill Gates tick.
     After I compiled all my resources together, I set about formulating my web page on Bill Gates.  I found this to be both challenging and stimulating, which added some fun and creativity to the process.  On the web site, I included background on Bill Gates, information about the frontier of technology led by Bill Gates and Microsoft, and a conclusion, which in the case of Bill Gates/Microsoft is ongoing.  I also included the process I used to produce this project and the resources where I received my information.
     Because of pioneers like Bill Gates and the frontiers they pursue, all of us benefit to gain.  Every time I am called upon to produce a paper, report or project for school, I thank Bill Gates for making it a little easier and a lot more fun!
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