Bibliography 1
Process Paper

Business Week.  "Bill and Steve on Threats and Strategies". October 30, 2000.  McGraw-Hill
        Companies, Inc.  2000.
        This was a good source because it made a connection between Microsoft and the Net, which is the
        way technology is going.  Gates and Ballmer  feel it is a "software world", not hardware.

Gates, Bill.
THE ROAD AHEAD. New York  Penguin Books, Inc.  1995.
Bill Gates explains what his plans are the Microsoft in the future.  He reviews what happened in
        past to Microsoft  and what he would like to see, as far as growth, for the future.

Gates, Bill.  E-mail address:  [email protected].
        Bill Gates answers questions, personally, at this address.  I e-mailed him to ask questions relating
        to my project.  I have not heard back.

Larry King Live.
CNN, August 21, 1995. "Success of Microsoft by Bill Gates".
Larry King interviews Bill Gates about  what he envisioned when he started out.  This was a
        great resource, because I could hear what Bill Gates thought, in his own words and I added the
        audio to my website.

Los Angeles Time
s. Life & Style.  Section E-1.  Interview: "Bill Gates Charts  'The Road Ahead'."
December 5, 1996. 
        In this interview, Bill Gates discusses his views on technology and literacy.  He feels that
        computers play an important part in the education of students.

Los Angeles Time
s. Opinion. Section M-3.  Interview: "Bill Gates, A Seasoned Boy Wonder Still
        Searching for the Cutting Edge."
Nancy Yoshihara.  December 10, 1995.
        This article is a  personal interview with Bill Gates.  He discusses what he would like to see in the
        future for his companies.
es.  Bill Gates' homepage and website.
        This site provides a biography, speeches and essays written and given by Bill Gates, and e-mail
        questions that he has received and answered since 1995.  He tells, in his own words, what he likes,
        what he thinks about certain issues, and what he has done with, and still wants to do, with Micro-
        soft and technology.
t.  This website provides information about how the Microsoft Corp. operates.
        There is corporate information about Microsoft, like documents, legal briefs pertaining to anti-
        trust hearings, speeches, press releases, and annual reports.

Microsoft Customer Servic
e.  [email protected].
        This is the contact address for information from Microsoft.  The Customer Service Support personnel         answered my questions about Bill Gates and Microsoft and provided websites for my research.

k. "A Big Birthday for Bill & Co".   September 18, 2000.  Newsweek, Inc.  2000.
        This interview takes place 25 years after Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer started Microsoft.  It tells
        of their ideas and hopes when they started the company and what has happened 25 years later.

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