Business Week.  "What to do With All That %#* Cash".  Nov. 20, 2000.  McGraw-Hill Companies,
        Inc.  2000.
        This resource gives a look at Microsoft's stock cut of 41%, but also the nice problem of having a
        $24.7 billion surplus to deal with.  The decision is to have Buy Backs or pay dividends.

Fortune.  "Their Reign Is Over".  Oct. 16, 2000.  Time. Inc.   2000.
        The Internet is now the "key" technology, so don't need visionaries like Bill Gates.   This source was
        good for showing what the futture will hold for Bill Gates and the world of technology.

Los Angeles TImes.
Home Edition. Section A-1. "Gates Has Grand Plans for Microsoft".
        Johnathan Weber & Amy Harmon.  March 24, 1994.
        This article outlines what Bill Gates plans for the future of Microsoft to keep the corporation
        competitive in the world of technology.   Some of his plans include joining forces with Craig McCaw's
        cellular telephone business in providing a world-wide telephone system, and being involved in the
        entertainment and educational software communications using CD-ROM technology.

Los Angeles Times
. Business. Section D-1. "Window on New Image of 'Statesman' Bill Gates".
  Denise Gellene & Leslie Helms.   August 26, 1995.
This article illustrates the changing image of Bill Gates.  Noting that his company's image is compared
        to his image, he has tried to get away from the "nerd-look"  and his "ruthless businessman" imag

Los Angeles
Times.  Life & Style.  Section E-7..  "Gates Look Ahead Holds Few Surprises".   Leslie
        Helms.  December 1, 1995.
        This is a review of Bill Gates' book, "The Road Ahead", and research into how he developed his
        fortune and his company.  It takes a look at Bill Gates  and what the future may hold for Micros

Los Angeles Ti
mes.  Business.  Section D-7.  "Taking a Murky Look at the Darker Side of Bill Gates".
      Leslie Helm.  September 28, 1998.
        Leslie Helm discusses the claims and court cases against Bill Gates and Microsoft unfairly using a
        monopoly to undermine any competit

Los Angeles Times. 
Opinion.  Section M-1. "Monopolies Without End".   Ron Chernow.  May 14,
        The article outlines the antitrust case against Microsoft and the decision to split the company in two.
         Bill Gates refuses to claim any wrong doing and states that his company will come back strong.

PC Maga
zine.  "More Microsoft Madness".  John C. Dvorak.  January 2, 2001.  ZD Net.  2001.O
        This article looks to the future development of Microsoft.  To continue to grow and dominate,
        Microsoft will move into new areas:  games, cell phone software and TV set box systems.

Adam.  Bill Gates.  San Diego, California.  Lucent Books, Inc. 1999.
        This book gives insight into Bill Gates as a child and what inspired him to excell  in technology as he
        grew up.  It goes into his education at Lakeside School and how he developed his love for  software.

Zickgraf, R
alph.  William Gates:  From Whiz Kid to Software King.  Oklahoma.  Garrett Educational
        Corp.  1992.
        The author chronicles Bill Gates' rise from a smart 8th gradt student to a software genius.  It gives
        much insight into the partnership between Bill Gates and Paul Allen and how they started developing
        computer progr

Process Paper
Bibliography 2
Page 1 - Introduction:

Page 2 - Background:  Bill Gates on Phone, Lakeside School Yearbook
                                First Micro-Soft Employees,  Bio.

Page 3 - Frontier:  Microsoft "Campus",
                          1st Bill Gates,  Bio.
                          Microsoft Logo, Microsoft Archives
                          2nd Bill Gates, Bio.

Page 4 - Conclusion:  Time Magazine Cover
                                Star Trek Bill Gates,

Page 5 - Process Paper:  Flying Windows, Microsoft Archives
                                    Bill Gates, Microsoft Archives
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