Gateway Inn ---->
Evil Overlords Not Allowed
Deep in the remote wilderness of Ayenee you'll find Eona Valley.  Eona is a place of unparalleled beauty and serenity, populated by a myriad of creatures, both natural and magical, both benevolent and malign.  Eona Valley is home to many of the races of Ayenee including, but not limited to, Elves of nearly every variety, Pixies, Sprites, Dryads, Nymphs, Halflings (Hobbits), Brownies and even Humans.  Not all residents of the valley are peacable, however, as the Orcs, Goblinoids, Kobolds, etc. are only too happy to demonstrate.

Untouched by civilization, the only buildings in the entire valley are the Gateway Inn and the houses of the Village of Gathering.  The Inn is located just to the north of the waterfalls, at the edge of Gateway Gardens, overlooking the waterfalls themselves.  The view from the rooms on the Inn's top floor is simply breathtaking.  Patrons of the Inn have differing opinions about whether or not to tell others of the wonderous valley, some wishing to keep it all to themselves, but word has begun to spread through Ayenee . . .
OOC Info:

Roleplaying in Eona Valley, outside of the Inn, is both welcomed and encouraged on the Gateway Inn forum, as well as in the Eona Valley IRC room. The Freeform guidelines and the "Fine Print" information on the Gateway Inn main page apply.

Players wishing to base a clan, group, etc. in Eona Valley may submit a request by Emailing
[email protected]
Those that are accepted will be listed on this page.  Clans, groups, etc. that are not listed on this page are not based in Eona Valley.

Players wishing to add a building somewhere in Eona Valley may submit a request by Emailing
[email protected]   It is very unlikely that any new buildings will be allowed, but in the event that one is, it will be added to this page.  Eona Valley is a pristine, natural setting and is intended to remain that way.
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Gateway Inn
IC Message Board Forum
<--- Wisdom Tree
The characters listed here live in Eona Valley.  Any character is welcome to RP in the valley, but if you would like your character listed as a resident, Email your request to [email protected].  Next to each character name it will be specified as to whether or not the character is a native of the valley or an immigrant.  Character "race" categories will be added as needed.
(Native)  A Blue Winged Butterfly Pixie.  Tara spends most of her time flying amongst the flowers of the Gateway Gardens.
Yahoo Profile
ezBoard Profile
(Native)  A large, ordinary Timber Wolf. He is a lone wolf that roams the Valley, never sleeping in one place two nights in a row.
Yahoo Profile
ezBoard Profile
Archos Darkleaf:
(native)  A Wood Elf.  He is an Arcane Archer that concerns himself with the protection of Nomin'Taure. (Forest of Wisdom)
Yahoo Profile
RP Setting Rooms List
Nomin'Taure (Forest of Wisdom) ------{
<---- Cavern of Shadow
<---- Village of Gathering
Eona Valley Chat Room
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