The graphic links below lead to Java Applet access pages for the IRC rooms for the Gateway Inn RP Setting.  Please see the webpage for each room before RPing there so that you can become familiar with the settings.  These chat rooms are for in-character roleplaying and out of character chatter should be kept to a minimum.  You may also access these rooms with software such as mIRC, which is highly recommended.  mIRC is available for free download at
Much of the RP at the Gateway Inn takes place on the Gateway Inn IC Message Board Forum, but players may also RP the Gateway Inn in chat.  Before doing so, please familiarize yourself with the information on the Gateway Inn page of this site.  To access the chat room with mIRC, go to #Gateway_Inn on port 6667.
Much of the RP in Eona Valley takes place on the Gateway Inn IC Message Board Forum, but players may also RP Eona Valley in chat.  Before doing so, please familiarize yourself with the information on the Eona Valley page of this site.  To access the chat room with mIRC, go to #Eona_Valley on port 6667.
Unlike the rest of the Gateway Inn RP Setting, the RP in the Minstrel's Grove takes place only in chat.  No message board RP takes place in this sub-section of the setting to provide a place for RP that does not have to be hindered by ongoing plots on the Gateway Inn IC Message Board Forum.  The portals in the Grove and elsewhere in the Gateway Gardens give easy access to characters regardless of their usual location in the realm of Ayenee.  Before RPing in the Minstrel's Grove, please familiarize yourself with the Minstrel's Grove page of this site.  To access the chat room with mIRC, go to #Minstrels_Grove on port 6667.
The Cavern of Shadow room is not currently available due to its involvement in the ongoing "Azzumoth" plot on the Gateway Inn IC Message Board Forum.  For more details see the Cavern of Shadow page of this site.
(for more affiliated IRC rooms visit Ayenee IRC: The Yahoo Chat Alternative)
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