Leave No Trace Trainer Course - Conducted Fall 2006

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Leave No Trace Trainer Course

10/20/06 – 10/22/06

 Monday 10/16/06 – Pre-Planning Meeting

Lake Laurel Lodge

 7pm: Group meets at Lake Laurel

            -Distribute paperwork

                        -Assumption or risk

                        -driving directions

                        -equipment checklist

                        -payment due (Wednesday at latest)>

                        -med forms

            -Menu planning

-assess food needs

                        -dietary restrictions/preferences<

                        -participants are responsible to bring snnacks, munchies

            -Assign teaching topics

                        Plan ahead and prepare – Nat, Emily, Liz

Travel and camp on durable surfaces

                        Be respectful of wildlife

                        Dispose of waste properly

                        Be considerate of other visitors

                        Leave what you find

                        Minimize campfire impacts

                        Rock climbing

                        River trips

            -Will be collected on Friday

                        -explain lesson plan requirements and exppectations

                        -discuss learning styles etc.

- Assign tent groups

                        -distribute and complete tent group equippment request forms


                                    -cooking implements


                                                -pots and pans

                                    -toilet kits

                                    -water storage

                                    -bear bags

                        (Nat and Liz figure out teaching topics during this process)

-Discuss transportation- 3 cars encourageed- vehicle log on friday

            -Discuss what to bring

                        -refer to equipment checklist

                        -bring all equipment on Friday for equipmment check, leave in truck

 Friday 10/20/06 – Introduction to Leave No Trace

Lake Laurel Lodge

 7:00 pm           Arrival, collect paperwork, collect lesson plans for assessment, distribute

driving directions

 7:10                 Welcome, Introduction to Leave No Trace, background history

                                    -ask what participants hope to gain from this experience

                                    -expectations, requirements

 7:30                 Soft Paths video

 7:40                 LNT Principle #1: Plan ahead and Prepare (Nat Liz and Emily)

·         Why is it important? (maximize safety, minimize impact, increase comfort)

·         Takes place before you hit the trail, at home, in advance (days or months or years)

·         Consequences of poor planning range from inconvenience (spilled pasta in pack) to rescue and evacuation (hypothermia).

·         Things to consider

ü      Trip expectations and goals

ü      Knowledge of the area

ü      Time of year and expected weather

ü      Type of equipment

ü      Clothing

ü      Food               

·         Field preparation

ü      Disperse tent group gear

ü      Personal equipment check-out

ü      Food activity

ü      Group goals, expectations, maps etc.

 8:50                 Wrap-up, last minute reminders

 Saturday 10/21/06 – Field Experience

Worley Environmental Education Center

 8:45am                        Arrival at Worley

 9:00                 LNT Principle #2 - Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces (together - Lindsay)

·         Concentrate use if popular areas

ü      What are durable surfaces?

ü      Difference between resistance & resilience

·         Key points

ü      Stay on trails

ü      Choose durable campsites

ü      Camp away from trails and water sources

ü      Leave a site cleaner than you found it

·         Disperse use in pristine areas

ü      What is a pristine area

ü      Traveling in pristine areas

ü      Camping in pristine areas

ü      Leaving a pristine campsite

·         Avoid places where impact is just beginning

 9:45                 Set Camp

 10:15               LNT Principle #3 – Dispose of Waste Properly (separate groups Lisa &


·         Pack it in, pack it out

ü      Sources of wilderness waste

ü      Food vs. non-food waste

·         Practice good sanitation

ü      Human waste

ü      Cat holes

·         Management of wastewater

ü      Washing dishes

ü      Disposing wastewater

·         Personal washing

·         Fishing & hunting

 11:05               Why Do I Do it Activity? (individuals make a list and then have a group discussion on the differences)

·         It’s the law

·         My parents taught me that way

·         My culture does it that way

·         It’s the “right” thing to do

·         Peer pressure

·         Because someone was watching

·         I learned I through experience

·         It’s the easiest thing to do

·         I’ve always done it that way

 12:00               Lunch (back in tent groups)

 1:00 pm           Inside/Outside Jumping Jacks!

 1:15                 LNT Principle #4: Leave What You Find (separate groups – Sandefur & Holly)

·         Preserve the past

ü      Legal vs. ethical

·         Leave natural features undisturbed

ü      Not harming or taking away

·         Avoid spreading non-native plants and animals

 2:00                 What Harshes Your Mellow?

 2:30                 LNT Principle #6:  Respect Wildlife (separate groups - Bobby & Emily)

·         Observe from a distance

ü      Too close if you impact them

·         Avoid sensitive areas and sensitive times

·         Never feed wildlife

ü      On purpose of because you left your food available

·         Pets

ü      Bringing personal pets on trips

 3:15                 Oh Deer

 3:30                 LNT Principle #7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors (separate groups –

Leigh Anne & Ben)

·         Visitor’s experience

·         Respecting other visitors

ü      Where to camp

ü      Attitude

ü      Impact on others

·         Yielding to other visitors

 4:15                 Personal Ethics Activity/Debate

 5:00                 Introduce Action Plans – hand out sheets

 5:10                 Free Time

 6:00                 Dinner

 7:00                 Done with Dinner: Clean-up, brush teeth, bear bags etc.

 7:20                 LNT Principle #5: Minimize Campfire Impact (together - Eric)

·         Stoves vs. Fires

·         Minimum impact fires

ü      Logistics

ü      Firewood

ü      In high use areas vs. pristine areas

ü      Management

 8:10                 Group games/stories

 Sunday 10/22/06 – Field Experience

Worley Environmental Education Center

 8am-ish            Breakfast

 8:45                 Hunt for Last October Activity

 9:30                 LNT Activity Specific Lessons: (River Trips – Rusty, Rock Climbing – William)

·         Apply as many of the principles as are relevant to River Trips & Rock Climbing

 10:15               Break camp

 10:45               Authority of the Resource

 11:10               Assess campsite impact

 11:25               Share Action Plans

 11:40               Graduation, pass out stickers, hang tags, pack cars

 12:00 Noon     Leave 



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