Winter Spring 2000 Meetings

| Home | Description | Software | Meeting Location/Format/Dates/Times | Autumn 2000 | Winter/Spring 2000 | Resources | Computer Community | Contact |

Tuesday, Jan. 18, 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM

Agenda Web Site Interactivity

Making your site provide basic interactive functions such as search capability, count visitors, and the basic components necessary of allow visitors to order a product and charge it against a credit card.

A survey of basic Web page interactivity components, such as forms, frames, image maps, a brief discussion of "plug-in" CGI scripts, Sun Microsystem's Java programming language and Microsoft's Active-x programming language, brief discussion of Cascading Style Sheets, XML and DHTML, the status of Web Page Editors in providing interactivity functions; and File Transfer Protocol.

Thursday, Feb. 24, (4th Thursday), 6:30-8:30 PM
Note: evening of month is different from January

MS FrontPage 2000 and general Web Site Administration

1) Agenda for Web Site Administration - Brief discussion of what to look for in finding and working with Internet Service Providers; Web log analysis, Web Site promotion and validation. Plus regular monthly activities: Show and Tell of an interesting Web site and how it was produced. This Web site was produced with MS FrontPage 2000: http://www.savefreightcost.com . And Show and Ask for your Web authoring questions.

2) Dan Shepherd, Technology Specialist, Microsoft-Great Lakes District ( http://www.microsoft.com/greatlakes
) is visiting from Detroit to present an overview of MS FrontPage 2000, describe Microsoft's Web authoring product strategy and resources, present how FrontPage and MS Outlook work together and field user questions about MS FrontPage.

Thursday, March 9, (2nd Thursday), 6:30-8:30 PM
Note: evening of month is different from February

(See directions above.)

Expert Web Page Builder on building professional Web Pages

Wendy Winans from Brady World Designs (http://www.bradyworld.com/designs.htm) will be giving a presentation on the many aspects to building a web page, from how to get started, finding a server to host it to the advanced stage of generating
interactive areas for visitors. Guests are encouraged to bring with them web site projects and questions they are currently working on.

Thursday, April 13, (2nd Thursday), 6:30-8:30 PM

Location: Main CHUH Public Library, 2345 Lee Road, two lights and one block south of Cedar Road.
(See directions above.)

Building Accessible Web Pages in HTML 4 for
handicapped users, hand held PDA, and telephone WWW access


Lorraine Angus, co-owner of Asimplemachine.com (http://www.asimplemachine.com/) provides accessbile Web design and consultation. She will discuss the general principles of accessibility and the advantages of using standardized coding in Web page construction. Included will be brief description of XML and the future XHTML which combines HTML 4 and XML.

For other April 2000 Web Authoring meetings of interest:
4/8 - Object Orient Programming;
4/19 - HTML Coding;
4/27 - Macromedia Dreamweaver 3 & Fireworks 3;

Thursday, May 11, (2nd Thursday), 6:30-8:30 PM

Location: Main CHUH Public Library, 2345 Lee Road, two lights and one block south of Cedar Road.
(See directions above.)

Adobe Acrobat and Encapsulated Postscript

William Cohen-Kiraly of Moirai Web & Design will present an overview of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) and Encapsulated Postscript (EPS). Acrobat is Adobe's "portable document format" which allows users to create a document on one system which can be viewed (and printed and edited and more) on any one else's computer regardless of platform, installed software or installed fonts. Acrobat has a number of very special features of particular interest to web designers for posting useful documents on the web and for capturing websites for portfolios and for off-line viewing. The PDF format is based on but not synonymous with Adobe's PostScript language and EPS files. Bill will explain why they're different and what the heck a web designer should do if they get an EPS file to post on their site. Bill is past president of the Cleveland Desktop Publishers User Group and is currently running the CDPUG Web SIG.

Thursday, June 8, (2nd Thursday), 6:30-8:30 PM

Location: Main CHUH Public Library, 2345 Lee Road, two lights and one block south of Cedar Road.
(See directions above.)

How to improve your Web site and technology review

Bring your Web site concerns and let the Web SIG members offer their collective wisdom on how to improve your Web site. Also provided will be a review of the major technologies important to the future of the World Wide Web. The Web SIG will take a break in July and August. Our next meeting will be in September.

Web SIG Leader: Lee Batdorff, 216-321-9152 [email protected]

| Home | Description | Software | Meeting Location/Format/Dates/Times | Autumn 2000 | Winter/Spring 2000 | Resources | Computer Community | Contact |

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