China Wins Bid for 2008 Olympics

dated 2001.7.13

I was waiting for something to happen concerning the 2008 Olympics, but I didn't think it'd be this. I was rooting for Toronto to win the bid, but Beijing got it.

You mean Beijing, China?
You mean RED China that kills people for stepping on money and expressing themselves? I thought that their human rights record was enough to stop them like it did in 2000 when they tried to get the bid. Nope, not this time.

How, you ask? Well, from what I have gleaned from the articles on the net, it panned out like so:

Beijing & Toronto are neck and neck in the 2008 Olympics bid race. they each have something for and against them:


Beijing, China
PROS: It's about time China got up in
this ish and hosted. Maybe it'll help them in the long run�
CONS: (C'mon folks,� you know what the dilly is. "�and if you don't know�)
("now you know, my nigga�" *uh*)
canada Toronto, Ontario province, Canada
PROS: The most ethnically diverse place in North America and it has decent tech.
All the athletes will have fans in the city.
CONS: There's already been two Olympics on the North American continent already
(LA in '84 and ATL in '96).
Let's not show favoritism.

Well, it seemed like people were gonna use their senses and pick Toronto� BUT there had to be some last minute vote-lobbying to do on the part of Toronto. Toronto mayor Mel Lastman was a bit apprehensive about going to Mombassa, Kenya to get votes from African IOC officials. He made a somewhat "off color" joke just before he was set to leave. He's quoted by CNN as saying:

"What the hell do I want to go to a place like Mombassa? Snakes just scare the hell out of me. I'm sort of scared about going there, but the wife is really nervous. I just see myself in a pot of boiling water with all these natives dancing around me."

When I read this, I laughed because that's friggin' stupid -- and then I was kinda shocked when I remembered who he was gonna lobby for votes. I hope the African officials don't find out about this --

The African officials found out and were NOT amused. D'oh.
I should hope that their votes went to Beijing in retaliation. It'd be only fair.

Now I know that sounds weird, BUT you have to put that in context of the man's job: He's Mayor of the most ethnically diverse place in North America. And he propagates negative views of Kenyans in particular, and Africans on a whole. How could he? Does he care not for the cash that comes from cannibal constituents(if any -- hey, it's the 21st century)? Next, he'll probably apologize to the people of Toronto saying he didn't want the votes to go to "Charlie" when he said what he said.

What'd he say?

Back onto the subject of Beijing getting the Olympic bid:
I believe I must summarize how I feel on China getting the nod.
I know that Beijing kills for every crime that comes across their nose, but maybe it'll keep down crime connected to the Olympics. No kidnappings like in Munich, no bombings like in Atlanta, etc.
I know that China has mad corruption concerning money, but they have to make a good showing and I think they will. THEY'D BETTER.

In my humble, optomistic opinion (HA!), I hope China uses this chance for Good and not for Evil.

Ami to fu, China. Ami to fu.

Side Note: I really feel sorry for those poor Tibetans who were screaming themselves hoarse about human rights violations only to have THIS happen.

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