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This is the area where I voice my dreams and wishes. The CRAZY ones. Here are some stories I wrote o'er the years and stories that pop into my head at any time -- now, later, playing videogames, in class, on the pot, in the shower, etc.
Read on and remember to have fun and an open mind.

PS: any comments you may have with my writing(s), send them to [email protected]

Ode to Chicken-Boo
(dated 2004.9.30)
Back in college, my buddy Anthony and I
liked Animaniacs for its off-the-wall
concepts as to what was funny. He really
took to the character Chicken-Boo and I don't
blame him. He even went so far as to make
a parody song about the feathered master
of disguise, one that I have expanded upon
in this entry.

Zombies and Human-Hair Purses
(dated 2004.8.10)
I've always woken up before I died in my dreams.
This time I dreamt of a time after I died.
I'm kinda glad I died, because then I might've
fallen into the well of stupidity that causes people
to sell ALL their hair for money.

Two Nameless Cowboys: A Song
(dated 2003.7.25)
Wrote a song about it.
Like to hear it?
Here it go!

X-B*A*P*S 2: "Electric" Boogaloo
(dated 2003.5.16)
My, my, my. it's been so long since I first wrote X-B*A*P*S.
Halle Berry's still playing Storm; no Angela Bassett in sight.
So I guess it's back to the salt mines, folks!
Read on!

My Strange Adventures in South Florida
(dated 2002.12.2)
I was on a 7-month hiatus trying to find a better job
than what I had and closer to home in Miami. I didn't
get far, due to plenty of problems and just a lack of faith.
There were high points at times, but then there's the lows.
Most of what follows is a recollection of the BS I went through
and my thoughts on those incidents. Comprised of 4 small parts.

Murphy's Law Weekend
(dated 2002.4.22)
Dude, this weekend was so fucked up,
my seeing The Scorpion King almost did
not bring up from being sooooooo bummed out.
Read this story and reminisce about those
days when things that could've happened--
and shouldn't have--did.

Shaun Watson's Dracula
(dated 2002.2.21)
OK, I have really begun to slack on
my website skills, 'cuz I could barely remember
how to code when I made this one.
Writing it was half the fun.
By the way, anyone who gets mad
at my inaccuracies in this Dracula story
can either learn to suspend their disbelief
or push their respected(*snicker*) knowledge of
vampire lore aside for a second.

Working Overtime: A Parody
(dated 2001.12.6)
Man, I am about to graduate from
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
and MAN, is this last semester hell.
Professor Rasheed gave me some work and
is holding an "I" over my head.
I've got to stay up late and
the caffeine really stresses me out.
It stressed me out so much,
I hallucinated the lyrics to this song--
in the middle of class.

China Wins the Nomination for
the 2008 Summer Olympics

(dated 2001.7.13)
This is something I haven't concerned myself with
since it started. An incident that may
have cost Toronto its nomination is what
prompted me to write this article/page.


A Comment on the Act of Cloning
The Day I Got Fired
When Rastafarians Attack
The Two-Headed Eagle
Peace in the Middle East: A Parody
Pennies From Heaven
The Anger
Crazy dream I had back in Miami

All art/writings in "FREESTYLE" property of Shaun Watson
Copyright � 2004.
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