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Age: 23
Height: 169cm (5"6')
Start: 120kg (264.5lb)
Current: 85kg (187lb)
Goal: 60kg (132lb)

Normally this is a very pleasant
time with little difficulty.
You seek out good times and
pleasurable forms of recreation,
and you may not feel much like
working. In fact, the only real
flaw of this influence is that
it is not conducive to
self-discipline or labor. You
will be more interested in your
own well-being and in indulging
yourself than in accomplishing
great works. Obviously, this can
be either bad or good according
to the circumstances. This
influence is usually good for
all social interaction and for
getting along with people. Love
relationships are favorably
affected. You will not be very
self-assertive today. If you
find yourself in conflict with
someone, you will compromise
rather than fight. Only be careful
not to give up something that is
important to you.


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8,497 days old

I have been meaning to write about Ms. Scumbag her for a while because it is things that I want to remember, because despite the fact that she is a compulsive liar, user and has a desperate need to be better than EVERYONE, some of the incidents were funny, to me, memorable, and she was a big part of my life. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not, but she was there and needs to be written about.
Where to start? I guess a good place to start is the one time that she really got caught out. I wasn't there but it is a perfect example of her nature and no matter how petty something is, she'll still lie about it. The question remains, does she realize what she is doing and does she believe herself? It has been 3 years in August since I last saw her and she could have changed, but I don't know. Maybe one day I'll find out. As for now on with example number 1.
Annabelle, Nic, The Fat Hippy and Ms. Scumbag decided that it would be funny to steal the man sticker from the BP toilets and stick it to the back of the car. When they got home (where Nic & Annabelle lived) Annabelle decided to take it off and stick it to their toilet door. Ms. Scumbag did not realize this.
The next day Annabelle & Ms. Scumbag were at BP filling up on petrol and Annabelle was in the car. Ms. Scumbag came running out and told her to leave because they had just seen the sticker on the back of the car and were going to call the police. Well, as I said, Annabelle had taken the sticker off the car so the lie was just completely blown there and then. Annabelle told her this and I don't think they ever said anything about it again. The question is, why would she do this? Why would she make up this big dramatic story about something so trivial. Not even trivial, pathetic! It makes no sense.
So now you get my point, she will lie about anything. I can't give a reason for this. It could be that she was yearning for attention, or wanted something dramatic to happen so she could tell people a story. But I mean, why?
It made you wonder exactly what she said that was true and what was not. It didn't help that we already new that she lied, but it was difficult to put a finger on exactly what she was dramatizing. So nothing that came out of her mouth after that was taken seriously and everything ever said was completely disregarded.
I guess a little background would be handy. I first met her when I was knee high to a grasshopper. I don't remember exactly. I think we must have met when playing netball. And no one wanted to play with her because she attacked her own teammates for the ball! Needless to say that I have known her since primary school. Then she disappeared for a few years with her parents travelling around the country. Now that I think about it, she was probably in a mental institution or something. Who knows, the holiday was probably just a cover up.
When she came back she went to a private school. She came to my high school in year 9. She told everyone that she got kicked out for pouring acid over a teacher�s car roof. Ha! Her first day and she was already lying. Geez, I hope she has gotten help.
Well, I made friends with her because she could be fun. I just took everything that she said with a grain of salt. And we were 'friends' for the next 5 years. And there are so many stories to tell about her. Maybe I will give one more right now. Which one? Not the one when we last talked to each other, that will come later because that was dramatic, shocking, and funny. I could talk about the party where I almost let the house burn down, but I think that will come later, and I will entitle it as I did last time I wrote about it before all the drama with Annabelle and I deleted all my entries. I will call it "What NOT To Do In A Fire".
Maybe I will write about another trivial incident which involved Mr. Perfect. Perhaps a little background on Mr. Perfect would help first, but I will put that in the next entry. Which I will do in a minute. First, what she did.
Once Ms. Scumbag, Mr. Perfect and I went to Melbourne to see The Jim Rose Side Show, a 'freak show'. I was like 16 so my father drove us down. I don't know why she was there in the first place, it was a 'date'. Anyway, my father owns a van so when we came back we were all sitting in the back. I wanted Ms. Scumbag to sit in the front but I didn't ask her because that would be rude, but I did ask her to swap seats with me so that I could sit next to Mr. Perfect. Needless to say, she didn't. She let him in, pushed me aside and jumped in right next to him, monopolizing his time and the conversation for the 2-hour trip. She hit on him so terribly! Arrrgh! Here I was, completely smitten with the fella, on a date that she got herself involved in and hit on him. OMG! And it is not the only time.
There are so many incidents that should be recorded about her, she was a big part of my life. I still assert that I do not know if she was a good part or not. One thing that she did a lot was come on to the guys that her friends were interested in. As the Mr. Perfect example shows, but it isn�t the only time. There are two very prominent memories. The first is a guy that I met in Melbourne when visiting her. We were out at a nightclub and I was making out with this creep. He had not left my side all evening, at no point had he been left alone with Ms. Scumbag. He then went to the toilet and Ms. Scumbag says to me: �You shouldn�t be with him, he tried to kiss me. He said he wants to be with me.� Well I know this is utterly impossible because as I said, he had not left my side, I had witnessed their every interaction. The majority of the time we were lip locked. And when he came back she hit on him. So I guess there is another time that she was caught out. And it was a very typical situation. I had this guy and she wanted him. Whether she liked him or not. It was just because he wanted me that she wanted him, she had to prove herself better than me by having what is �mine�. That is what I think it is, I never did ask her, but that is how all her behaviour lent.
The other example is a guy called Buddha. I was interested in a completely different guy and knew what would happen if she knew, so I did not utter a syllable about him. Instead I mocked interest in Buddha. Within one minute of me stating the lie she walked over to where he was sitting, sat down on the arm of the chair and committed the worst fake fall into his lap that I have ever seen, then she kissed him. We could have written the script for her, in fact we did in a manner of speaking. I knew what she would do so I dictated her actions, but that is due to her complete predictability. And Buddha did not seem to mind.
Did I get with the guy that I wanted? Yes, and she hit on him later.
I�m not the only person that she did it to. She tried to crack onto Manson, the guy that Annabelle fancied, and still does. He knocked her back. She also went after Winger, whom she knew Annabelle liked, though never to the extent that she likes Manson. And Enash. Annabelle liked Enash, but I will explain that if she could have gotten the balls, or at least figured what she wanted, she would have chucked every guy to the side for Manson.
I remember the night that Ms. Scumbag cracked onto Enash. We were sleeping in the same roommate Annabelle and Nic�s house in Wank City. It was a childish attempt to make someone notice her. She took his hip flask and would not give it back, despite the fact that he was becoming completely irritated with her and looked ready to storm up, knock her out and leave. All because she wanted what Annabelle had.
I guess that was one of her biggest problems, wanting to be better. I don�t know where it came from but I can guess. It could be that her parents were strict on her, but that could all be a lie. I don�t think it was. She was their only daughter and she had ridiculous curfews at 18 years old. At 18 I was in another country drinking it up, then coming back and going out to all hours. I had the freedom that you should start developing before you get to 18, but she was still told to be home by midnight, or thereabouts.
I think that one of the other incidents that I should talk about is the first time that she kicked me out of her house in the middle of winter in the middle of the city. Why did I ever talk to her after that? I don�t know.
Background. Middle of winter, I have bronchitis and on antibiotics so I was unable to drink. Ms. Scumbag was having a house warming party and I didn�t really want to go, but because she didn�t know anyone that was going to be there except her flat mates and wanted a friend to turn up, I went.
I was a little quiet because I am, and I didn�t want to be there. I was sitting around and talking occasionally to the people there and I think that I was getting along just fine with them. Just because I was not drinking did not mean that I was rude. But she threw a tantrum, said that I was being rude to all her friends, told me to get my stuff and leave. I didn�t know where it came from; she was losing it over nothing. After seeing the same thing happen in later incidents there are several reasons that I think this could happen. The first is her jealousy. She just doesn�t seem to like the idea that we could get along with her friends! The second is that she liked to show some control in front of the new people. That is that she is better than us and controls the relationship.
Well it was the middle of the night in a cold winter and I felt like crap. One of her flat mates came out, told me to ignore her and come back in. So screw her.
I don�t know why I talked to her after that. The next time that she did it was the last time I saw her. But that later. She also did the same thing to The Fat Hippy a few times. It is just whacked! I think we just all felt sorry for her and that is why we kept letting her back in our lives.
I just feel like writing, and I don�t have to justify that because it is my diary! So let me think of something else about Ms. Scumbag. Any other episodes? Friendships in general would be there. She would try and dominate each person�s relationship with each other by taking one person away from another and using their time. That really doesn�t make sense. What I mean is that she would try to separate people not only mentally but also physically. Not only would she slag someone off behind their back, but she would remove someone from the scene for hours at a time. Take Annabelle for example; if we were all at the pub she would have to take Annabelle alone, to the pub across the road and have a beer with her through a straw. After the first time it became a �ritual�, whether she objected or not or we were all in the middle of something.
I am sounding petty. There is no real tangible way of explaining this, except to say that she likes to dominate relationships. Writing about her has put her in more perspective. Before I just thought that she was a twat and needed some help, but looking back at it makes me see that it was more complicated than that. It did have to do with her insecurities, and a need to dominate, to prove that she has control over everyone in her life and is better than them.
But this is just my perspective. There could be more to it. And if I keep exploring this then perhaps I will see it more.
So, what was it that I wanted to write about Ms. Scumbag? Well, more of her boyfriend stealing. Okay, so he wasn�t a boyfriend but he fancied me. His name was Adam. I kissed him. I remember him being younger than me and I didn�t really like him all that much. But he kept ringing me. So then one weekend I decided to get Ms. Scumbag to come up with me, go out and get absolutely blotto.
Well, I haven�t told her how I feel about him or anything just that I was going to be with him for a while, talks about that sort of thing by that time with her were out of the question. Within minutes she tells me she fancies him, goes up and sits down on his lap and tried to kiss him. Of course I threw a little silent tantrum, told them it was time to go into town and we did. What happened after that was an accident, so don�t think I did this maliciously.
Ms. Scumbag was monopolizing all of Adam�s time so I left. I know he didn�t like it because later that night �Please get your friend away from me. She won�t leave me alone.� Well, I couldn�t- she kept going and I hooked up with this other guy who was gorgeous.
Around 0100hr Ms. Scumbag came to me and told me �I am going to Coles to get smokes.� What I heard (and I really heard this) was: �I am going home with some guy.� Don�t ask me how I could have gotten that out of the previous sentence, who knows, I could have been right. I probably was considering her history but for now I will claim it as misinterpretation.
So at 0400hr when the train would normally leave for home I got this hottie to drive me to the station just in case she changed her mind. I looked for her and waited for the train to leave and she didn�t show so the hottie drove me home.
The next morning she called me from Wank City and accused me of leaving her there. She ended up staying at Adams and he drove her to Hellhole. Apparently they had sex but a few weeks later someone came up to me and told me they heard that I had been the one to have sex with him. I know I didn�t but that is what he had been going around telling people. I don�t think I ever told Ms. Scumbag that. We didn�t have a big row or anything which also makes me think that I was right but we�ll never know unless she admits to it. I don�t care. I was just thinking of how that was another example of her boyfriend/crush stealing. Filthy fungi mouthed liar. Gee, I just feel like dishing out the insults.
I just remembered yet another infuriating episode involving Ms. Scumbag. At this time she was dwelling in Melbourne and I was already a resident of Centre City. Like on many numerous occasions we had decided that Wank City was the choice destination for a night of drinking and debauchery. We, Annabelle included, boarded the train, perhaps with no accommodation designed for the night, and were equipped for a night of excitement.
I met a man named Scott. He was a complete outsider and a very handsome one. Needless to say my then lascivious nature led me to his bedroom where I spent the night squirming and squealing. Ms. Scumbag too had returned to his house to become the bed mate of his companion. Annabelle had pursued her reverie of returning with Manson to his den of sin. Nevertheless nothing transpired between the two, but that is an entirely separate tale all together!
The next morning Ms. Scumbag�s partner drove us home. A week later she was still dating this man and was visiting me. She informed me that Scott had requested that she provide me with his telephone number so that there could be many more nights of wantonness. I knew she had it; there was no suspicion about that. The perplexing part is that she REFUSED to bestow it upon me. Why? I will never understand, perhaps she desired that I would be miserable. She knew I fancied Scott, yet she just outright repudiated despite the fact that it was Scott who had appealed she give me his number, not vice versa.
It was August 27, 2000. Annabelle and I were in Melbourne a few days prior to Alien�s arrival in Australia for the Sydney 2000 Olympic. Ms. Scumbag had known for some time we were coming, including the date of our arrival, however, when we rang she feigned ignorance. Yet she converged us in close proximity to where she was drinking with associates. I concede, my reaction to her appearance was a little malicious, however it was a shocked retort. At the time she had a shaved head (from drunken night where they proffered $50 drink vouchers to shave a females head) and had succeeded in failing to appear Goth. Now it must be noted that she isn�t very pretty- in fact some may deign to illustrate her as hideous. Most noticeably she had teeth that were appallingly twisted, bled when biting into bread, and, green. Her lips were always arid and split, like a dam during a drought. The situation on this occasion was heightened as she had painted them rather awkwardly in a dull black, a crooked line falling outside the boundaries of her lips. I dare say I did not enlighten her of this fashion faux pas diplomatically, I rarely think before I speak.
Instantly into the evening she begins to irritate me by informing us that she will be deforming her body with a spotted lizard tattoo, something that I already had for several months.
She conveyed us to the local Irish pub where her friends were waiting. They weer an assortment of older people that I didn�t particularly like- however I was amiable. I must have been as they were buying us drinks without a request.
At some point Ms. Scumbag asked everyone to dance, which Annabelle and myself thoughtfully declined, as it is not something we generally do. Around 10 minutes of absence later we decided to visit the lavatory where we encountered Ms. Scumbag, who then proceeded to disregard our presence. When we returned neither she nor her friends were to be found. We searched until futility became apparent and we enquired of the bouncer who informed us that she had vacated the premises 10 minutes previous. She had absconded leaving us at a place we were not familiar with in a city that we knew little of, so we hitched a lift to the one place we did know- the Essendon Grand. Surprisingly this is where we discovered Ms. Scumbag. Needless to say, she shunned us. A few drinks later we returned to Ms. Scumbag�s unit whence she did not reappear.
The following morning we searched her bedroom for things that she has pilfered from us over the year, including but, my blanket, Annabelle�s Mary Jane shoes and Jim Morrison tee shirt. We found only the shoes before we escaped for the city.
When we returned that evening Ms. Scumbag was home, and she had locked us out. As she answered the door she informed is that she was not going to return our stuff until I paid her $45 for a book she had given me that was not only out of date, missing pages and in most parts illegible, but worth a meagre $25 for a new copy! She tried to slam the door in our faces but to our luck I was sporting my steel cap boots, which I placed in front of the swiftly moving door and barred her from concluding her business. She informed us that we had in fact been discourteous to her acquaintances, though we knew that we had not.
It is here when Annabelle became more enraged than I have ever seen her (and wish to ever see her), which led to the ultimate threat- �Don�t you EVER show your face in Wank City again!� I don�t think she has, not for the duration of our epoch anyway. And that was our valedictory encounter. I know not long later she garnered a boyfriend whom people portray as being the woman in the affiliation. Last week I was informed that she remained with the same partner who had become a heavy drinker. She had notified her parents she had been proffered a managerial position that she had henceforth declined, however I do not have faith in this. I know what she is like and her tendency to embellish, such as losing her employment at the supermarket. She had informed everyone that she had resigned yet a reliable source (her supervisor) elucidated that she had been fired. I am still irresolute if her parents ever knew that she also lost her learners permit for drink driving without a license.
Other than those meagre particulars I know nothing more of her. I have not seen her, I am curious, or course. She was around for such a long time. I do not want to be friends, just discover if she has changed. She wasn�t always this pathetic, just most of the time.


Amrozi got death. I do not agree in the least with the death penalty, despite his horrendous crime. I am sure that jail in Bali with only the basic necessities, for the rest of his life, would be a much better punishment that a quick and relatively painless death, if the firing squad does their job properly that is.
If you don�t know, Amrozi is the man convicted of the October 12 terrorist bombing in Bali, and I don� really think that there has been any doubt as to his guilt. He has been dubbed the Smiling Assassin due to his glee to be in the eye of the public for this crime. In fact it all really became a big show, with him standing, smiling and waving at the enraged crowds.
As for the penalty, there are mixed feelings about it. Many of the families of the victims are happy, Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Simon Crean have not opposed it.
However, I agree with one of the parents claims that his execution would turn him into a martyr. I have no doubt as to that. As his trail came to a close, many associated terrorist bombing have begun. The people in Bali are on edge.
Other parents also disagree. "I don't believe in the death penalty and I would hate to think that somebody's life was going to be taken in my son's name," Mr Deegan, and Adelaide magistrate said. It is just wrong. He is going to matyred by these groups. I think that there are many other more suitable punishments. Hell, feed him only unflavoured rice for the rest of his life. A relatively painless, and instant death is not a punishment.


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