The Other Geeta

Her Poems and Other Writings

The other Geeta...

...Living is such a linear preoccupation. Life passes us by - moment by moment,
day by day, year by year -, while we remain happily oblivious of the cold fact
that it is actually we who whither away... gradually fade away...
the quintessential foot-prints on the sand of time...

In many ways, this site is a quest for immortality
- because we die bit by bit in others' death...
It is also an attempt to reconstruct that part - in Geeta's life, and mine -
which got lost somewhere on the way...

But more than that, it is also a way to find a meaning in what has become a vaccuum...
of finding an answer to the question:
how does one, at the end of the day, sum up a life...?

There was, of course, Geeta - the faculty, the psychologist, the counseller -
the independent-minded, cheerful, resolved woman,
who had risen out of the middle-class constraints and values
to become what most had come to know her as...

But there was another Geeta also.
One with something transparently (and painfully) raw in her.
In a very curious way, it made her simultaneously vulnerable and unassailable...
this was both her Shadow and her Isis

She lived between these irreconcilable polarities.
Initially, often negating one for the other,
but later, trying to come to terms with them, and to accept and reconcile them...

It is never possible to find these things out,
but in her own way, at the end of the journey,
perhaps she did succeed in reconciling these contradictions...
and in accepting them as a "part of the process"...

This was the "other" Geeta...

Her Poems

Stories She Wrote

Poems for Manasi

Other Stray Writings

about Geeta

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