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Note:  This page was created by Christina D. Critelli to fulfill requirements for a Science and Technology Elective called "The Internet and Computer Technology", taken in the fall semester 2006.

Artist Statement Logo

All images copyright Christina Critelli 2006, All Rights Reserved

When I was 15 I decided I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up.  I had always had a fascination with the art of Photography, but never fully realized how much of an impact it would have on my life.   My mom set me up with her old Olympus manual camera when I was 11, and nothing interested me more then running around the backyard snapping images of anything I came across.  A few years later, with all the glee of a homeschooling high school student, I enrolled in a basic photo class at Mercer County Community College in West Windsor, NJ in the fall semester of 2001.  After completing the semester, I was all too enthusiastic to go on.  As the years went by however, and as life happened, my enthusiastic attitude towards the medium shifted, and through both careful guidance by professors and mentors, my parents, and respected peers - I decided that spending my life perusing photography as my primary career was impractical for how I wanted to be involved in the art.  I still love photo, and it still fascinates me to the fullest extent, I simply discovered that deep down I wished to keep my work my own, and not subject myself to conforming to the standards of others which is necessary in the profession.  This website reflects my work as I want you to see it.  It is a compilation of images created between the years 2002-2005 and is broken up into basic subcategories.  Please look around, and feel free to tell me what you think.
Thank you, Christina Critelli

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