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is there anyone you hate? get revenge send us their address or phone number or whatever else you have that is useful
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AIM sn: jason23chicago
Phone #:
Why you should bother this loser:
aparently from him IMing me, i think hes an online pedophile
AIM sn: XxXGhettoLipsXxX
Phone #:
Why you should bother them:
what idiot goes in a chat room & says someone call me...? someone desperate i guess
AIM sn: maggietheshorty
phone #:
cell phone #: 808-5503
why you should bother this dumbass:
besides the fact that this idiot puts the phone number on their profile....urgh just look at her profile
  (thanks nick for giving us this info)
Name: jessica
Phone #:
Pager #:
Why you should bother this SLUT:
we found this persons # on the floor in the mall..our guess is its some 10 yr old giving a 20 yr old her #..
YAHOO id: jaze4u
Phone #:
Why bother them :
i dont know they were annoying someone in a room so the person  put their number in the room
AIM sn: toaster 546
Phone #:
(281) 482-7568
Why you should bother them:
they were another person that went into a chat room asking someone to call them
AIM sn: LegalAgents
Why you should bother this "poser":
lets see he pretending to be steve from NFG.*whichever one that is*i dont like NFG but i know more about them then he does...are they or are they not at warped tour now?they are right?according to "steve" they arent.& when the fuck did green day go on tour with NFG?thats what i thought they didnt.he could show you all the pics he wants to try to prove it but if you know anything about bands youd know they wouldnt go in a chat room & say hi im the guy from NFG over & over
YAHOO ID: secret_dark_shadows
Phone #:
(305) 326-2860
YAHOO ID: d1g1t41_sl33ps_l34d3r
Phone #: (
254) 498-6627
Name: Krista
Phone #:
NAME: Alison
Phone #:
3441 Wisconsin Berwyn IL 60402
Why bother them :
i know her she uses people that are her so called "friends"  she talks behind peoples backs i could go on & on about why....& NO ONE WANTS TO PAY FOR HER NUMBER so i just put it here
Name: Dwayne
Will Da Regulata
Phone #:
(803) 652-8601
Why bother them :
Well, their another one with that goes in chat rooms asking people to call them
Name: James
Phone # : (773) 328-8935
Why bother them: He sexually harasses little kids at Jewel where he works.
AIM SN: tin can phones
Phone # : (805) 990-1444
WHY? : I SAID SO!!!!
Name: Jessica
Phone #: (708) 795-0151
Why bother? She's Alisons friend need I say more
Name: Will
Phone #:: (708) 484-4287
Why? Alison is obsessed with him & YOU should let him never hear the end of it
Name: Amy
Phone #: (708)484-0893
Cell #: (224) 805-2327
Why: Kelly Osbourne wannabe,Avril wannabe,she smells worse then my dogs ass
Name: Paul
Phone #: (708) 484-2373
Why? His idols are blink 182 & new found glory, he's in a band that will never get anywhere  make sure he knows that
Name: Mike
Phone # : (708)788-3691
    other # 447-4372
Why? This poor schmuck is obsessed with Matt Skiba & Alisons underwear & he thinks he's "punk"
Name: Vinnie
Phone # : (708) 749-2167
Why? he's funny looking
Name: Jen
Phone # : (708)445-1224
Why? She's a fat fuck who's emotionally unstable.
Name: J
Phone #: (708) 795-8866
AIM SN: insanebikerboy1
Why? Oh just J how rebelious,  insane  biker boy not spelled with an I
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