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some of the bands don't have bad band names the just ripped off eachother & we think it's funny
   ~ this one isn't a worst band name but we think that the band the start & the line had a baby & named the band name   the starting line

~ i don't know which one came first but i think the band
diviates ripped off the band divot

~ cheap band name: pepper

~ if all else fails use numbers for a band name:  

~ rip offs of pearl jam with religious type names:
creed & the calling

~ stupid name that makes no sense: quarashi

~ im confused theres a
thursday & a tuesday but thursdays the more popular one

~band  names that go by
if all else fails use a word & a number:
blink 182 & sum 41

~ just a stupid name: 3rd strike

  we never said we didn't like these bands we just think their band names are stupid & so on....but some of the bands on here we do hate.
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