The dreamy wonder in your face
incapable of nothing
seeing nothing
registering nothing
makes me shiver
feeling so annihilated
and erased
as if i had never been
as if you had never touched me
and so i stare at you
with a stare so electrically charged
to wake the dead
Im convinced i dont want you
but i dont feel that when i stand here
in contorted fury as if id been slapped
you MOVE me
you stick in my mind
your taste stays exotic on my tongue
a taste so contagious
I want you more every second i fight
i wince in a delirium of desire
for you to be near me
i tense my muscles to keep you
for as long as i can
I watched the glistening of saliva
on your frowning gaze
piercing me
looking right through me
but not even seeing me.

_Kelly Lamay

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