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Click These Freakin Little things to read The Dis-respective poets:

New: Brian Haas has the fruit juice New poetry from this daring young man.

Kastle Combs
This guy rocks my world... check out his webpage....

Brian Haas has the fruit juice Brian's poetry is dada-ish and very silly... if you dont like it... bite yourself

"leave it blank." she tells me....

Ben Ohmart Ben Ohmart IS pretty Damned Neat!!!!

Experience Adam T's poetry Adam is one of my fave's for poetry, but poetry is allshit anyhow

Elijah's dope poetryElijah has some dope shit goin' on

DArk ANgEl Gothic Stylings...

Kelly's poem a great documentarian of the lustfull spirit that exists in these bloody times.....

Real Big Quail RBQ is a madman.

Jeremy Brooks Jeremy Brooks is a new addition whos work is enjoyed by the young and
weird alike.

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