Ben Ohmart
Ben Sends me alot of stuff through E-mail and Ive just started putting it
up here. Cant remember if I met Him through Newsgroups or Irc (probably
cause i drink too much) but he just keeps sending me great stuff.


i felt like a fuck
beautiful fine blond thing
stirring her cocktail with a cord of wood
moved through the singles
lights in my hair, music up my nose
it was a man, with a bright voice. damnit!
i felt like a fuck

Euro-Warner Bros. I went to Paris. It wasn't there. Just this big empty, landfill place where you'd expect something to be. I asked at Le Mans, but the 2 hadn't spoken in years.
Bobby Likes Free Pens the wind blew a packet of Cools into the little boy's hand it tapered off so he could light 1 up 3 coughing nails later, he took out a pen and - the pack blew out of his hand looking for the next little child
, (or: comma) she appreciated that i was a bastard but the videos were still full price i browsed until there weren't anymore and i was forced to leave
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