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Real Big Quail

Real big Quail is a native earther. His identity is unknown to even me. Some say hes an agent of mass hysteria, not really existing except in the mentality of the mob.


Triumph Over Adversity
Is a pause
Between MouthFULLs of dirt.


Emotional Turmoil
Swishes about In my stomache.
  This isnt very Comfortable.
If i could puke up emotions, 
 id sure love to. Right now.
but I just sit.   Shaking and
sweating.... wondering about you.
Right now, and at this moment im
wondering about you, right now.
My thoughts race, like they never
have before. and my fists clench
and my teeth grit and my stomache
hurts... like they never have.
the voice tells me to say things-
-that will cut-
-and bite back- 
-shake into people-
-the reality of what is-
-Right Now-
and im thinking maybe
i shouldnt feel anymore,
cause i dont wanna feel like this



All I am,
is a shell.
All I can see,
is Hell.

_Real Big Quail

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