About Me
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Okay so this is the page that is supposed to be about me, hmm. Problem is I am at loss of words when it comes to talking about me. I really am. Anyways I will try my best.

I am doing my Computer Engineering in BITIC, Bahrain. I am in my 3rd year now, its an interesting course from what I can tell so far. I was born in Calcutta(Kolkata), India; a born and brough up Bengali who has a definete dislike for fish. I like outdoors, could camp if I found a place and the time to camp. I love reading books, lots and lots of books, just give me a book and I will show you!! I find life to be a tad bit boring, so I develop new hobbies everyday! And if I don't find a new hobby I develop imaginary friends to talk to..getting a bit weird now isn't it. Just hang with me..you will find I am just an ordinary next door quality guy..NOT! I find watching games on television absoloutely boring and a waste of time. I would definetely prefer playing it rather than watching it. On the other hand I am a sci-fi movie buff. I surf on the internet and develop newer ways to annoy people on my spare time. Well that's me in a nutshell.

At the moment....

  • I am single
  • I weigh 76 Kilos
  • I have a dislike for pets
  • I am a big fan of Einstein, Coppernicus, Newton, John Nash
  • I am agnostic
  • I am allergic to Silver, does that make me a vampire..? cool!!!


For those who would like to hire me.. my resume is down below







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