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Random Picks


Under this section, I'll put various random jrock related stuffs. Take a look if it interests you.






 >> EP-98A

 >> Ganesa

 >> Jenue fille

 >> Jenue fille Blanche

 >> La-560

 >> ForestGT

 >> Reindeer


 Misc. Guitar Tabs


 Due'le Quartz

 >> Monochrome

 >> Jisatsu Ganbou 

 >> Manji Karame


 Random Picks


 S's symbol [ I feel that 

 their symbol is very 

 simple and yet very nice. ]


 Hitsugi from Nightmare.











 Manji Karame Guitar Tab by Due'le Quartz


 This is not the official score for Manji Karame. I found

 this while surfing the net. However, it's quite well done.

 I've learnt the song and it's identical to the song.


 Manji Karame


 Guitar tab taken from www.geocities.com/mochidaze/

 [ Visit his site for some Dir en grey guitar tabs. ]



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