Plant List
I am still learning to garden in this climate - we are at 6,200 feet elevation in Sunset zone 2.   In addition to learning to work with the elements I have to try and outwit the squirrels - they love to dig, chew and in general wreak havoc with the garden.
Click here for native plant list
Click here for non-native plant list
Note:  As I continue to read and study I realize the importance of planting native plants.  Many times non-natives offer little to wildlife and they can become invasive and difficult to eradicate.  I hesitate to give examples of plants that might cause the destruction of the very habitat I am trying to restore.   One of the worst offenders in the mountains is vinca - everyone plants it because it is so sturdy.  It will come through the coldest winter and it makes a fairly decent groundover.  Our home unfortunately has two slopes that were planted with it.  It continually escapes into the empty lot next door and I keep pulling it out. 

I do grow some  non-natives and I will continue to work on my list of plants, however, I did want to strees the importance native plants should have in creating a habitat.
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