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FAQ to lesbians

Can I watch?
Ofcourse you can watch, but first pay me 10 million bucks!

What did your parents say when ya told them?
They were not thrilled about it and there was no reason to party. Still, I got respect and support.

Do ya think it's natural?
Yeah sure, do ya wanna know what's NOT natural? Fucking with a condom!

Is it true that gay couples always have a male and a female type?
What a crap, if I want a male I can get myself a real one!

Did ya ever fuck with a guy?
Why do ya wanna know? I don't ask about your sexlife!

When did ya find out you're gay?
I knew it while I was in elementary school. The first time I heard about gay ppl was while I was 13 years old. At that time I could give it a name.

Do ya hate men?
Hell no, I've many male friends and I love'em.

Do ya miss something having sex?
Only when the batteries are down. Hahahaha!

Why do you identify as a lesbian in the open, do you need affirmation?
I don't need affirmation, I know who I am. I also know there are a lotta women who just came out of the closet or are still locked up. I wanna show them and the world that lesbians are alive and kicking. Nobody should be locked up in a closet, I want them to get out of it. I guess being open about myself can help a bit.

Do ya wanna be a man?
Nope, I'm very happy being a woman.

What's the woman of your dreams?
Hmmm... La Femme Nikita, Peta Wilson!

FAQ to heterosexuals

Do ya think it's normal to ask me personal questions like these?
I don't think so!

Isn't my pricacy the same as yours?
Yes it is, so stop asking me stuff like this.

Aren't we all made by heterosexuals?
No answer needed, it's a fact!


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