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Humor and funstuff

Barbie is a slut
Part 2: Ken's revenge
How Americans teach Geograpgy
Only fools click here
Also sick of banners?
Dutch: Speciale editie van Windows 2000 voor Groningers
Dutch: Twents op reis, het onmisbare woordenboek
My manipulated reality (edited pics)
Dutch: Waar komen slettebakken eigenlijk vandaan?
Where did I see these sockerplayers before?
Micronerd, :-P~~~ to Microsoft!
Do the lovetest and more
Ready for some mindbreaking riddles?
Dutch texts, blame my pen!

Sites made by others:

A Woman's Guide how to pee standing up
Prince Alexander and Maxima, funny and educational movies (Dutch)

You should be able to find all the funny stuff on the internet yourself.
If not, you're a newbee and you should clik here.

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