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Transgender and homosexuality

Transgender has nothing to do with homosexuality, it's just an other diversity.
People sometimes wonder when homosexuality cross into transgender.
That's why I wanna say something about it.

What is transgender?
Sometimes a person with a female body is not a woman (or the other way around). It's a man trapped in the wrong body.
Gender identity is determined by many factors, it's more psychological then physical.
Some stay the way they were born, some adjust it and change their body.
It's not a choice, it's an unavoidable fact.

This is what some scientists say about homosexuality:
The first weeks after conception the male and female foetus are the same, you can't see a difference. Later on the mother produces hormons, these hormons stimulate the developement of the brain.
If the foetus is female and the mother produces male hormons, the child can be born with a female body and a male brain and will be a homosexual.
Scientists did research on rats to prove this theorie, for details read the book Brainsex.
This theorie is controversial, some say it's just bullshit. I don't know if it's true, I just mention it here and I suggest you pick your own conclusion.

Okay, let's pretend the theorie is right.
Does that make me homosexual or transgender?
According to the theorie I have a female body and a male brain, my male brain makes me fall in love with women. If I have a male brain, can I be happy as a woman? My answer is clear: I'm very happy with my female body.
Does my male brain give me a male identity?
I identify myself as a woman, I live my life inbetween genders though. There are no role models for lesbians how to behave, I can be who I wanna be. I took the best of both worlds what suits me, that's how I became me.

Stuff like this is very difficult to understand, what makes a person transgender? Is it a biological or psychical? I just don't know but I'm curious. If anybody knows the answers or wanna respond, go to my Blackboard.

Links about transgender

Sebastian is a tranny boy, on his site he tells about his life and his transition. Visit him at The Transition. He records his voice every month and it's amazing how it drops!

Sebastian's girlfriend thought she was in a lesbian relationshop. See how she deals with her identity at The Adventures of Glamour Puss.

Curious enough to see some photo's? Go and visit the Art of Loren Cameron. Loren was born in 1959, in 1987 he began his transition from female to male. His selfportraits are stunning!
In the Photo Gallery you'll find a lotta photo's of transexuals. For the most curiosity among us there are even detailed photo's with descriptions.

people are trannies

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