EDMUND A. BARLOW was born at Eaton, Province Quebec, Canada 14 FEB 1855. He received his early schooling in Canada and at the age of 17 removed to Eau Claire, WI. where he attended school. He is listed in the 1879-80 Catalogue of the State Normal School at River Falls, Wisconsin.

Edmund married at Flandreau, Moody, SD 23 NOV 1883, Caroline Jones, born 26 APR 1861, daughter of J.W. Jones and Caroline McNabb (McNable?). Both parents and Carrie were born at Canada. Carrie Barlow died 11 FEB 1935. The couple resided at Oacoma, Lyman, SD, where Edmund was Postmaster. They had no children.

In 1880 Edmund came to Dakota Territory where on 20 JUL 1880 he paid the application fee of $14.00 and filed Application No. 13985 for land entry to the SW Quarter of the NE Quarter & Lots 1 & 2 of Section 4 in Township 107N of Range 47 West containing 167 59/100 acres.

In his affidavit he swore that "I am a single man over the age of twenty one years and a citizen of the United States..."

In his final Homestead Proof on 14 AUG 1885 Edmund testified he was a natural born citizen, 30 years old, and that he had established actual residence on the claim on 30 JUL 1880. He said he had built a frame house 16 x 24 feet and a Barn 18 x 24 feet, the improvements having a value of $650.00. Edmund claimed continuous residence and that he had broke (plowed) 60 acres and raised crops for five seasons.

The Final Certificate, No. 5960, was issued on 20 AUG 1885 stating "...the said Edmund A. Barlow shall be entitled to a Patent for the Tract of Land above described."

That should have been the end of it, but for some reason the government was not satisified with Edmunds residence and on 02 OCT 1886 he was called on to give another affidavit regarding his residence on the claim.

In this affidavit Edmund swore he "was residing on the claim at the time of making proof and still continues to reside on and cultivate said land and make it his exclusive home and that his residence on said described land has been continuous except as hereafter stated ...during the fall of 1880 built frame house and broke 5 acres, remained on the claim until Novemember 1st 1880, being at that time entirely destitute of means I was obliged to find employment in order to secure the nesessaries of life ...". Edmund was absent from his claim each of the next two winters for the same reason.

When 01 AUG 1887 there still was no Patent Rice Bro's Law and Loan Office wrote a letter to Washington, D.C. on Edmund's behalf.

The letter says in part " Dear Sir: Is there any reason why Patent should not issue ...?"

Finally, on 29 DEC 1887 Patent did issue. By then two transfers of the claim had been made. The first to Edmund's wife Carrie on 05 SEP 1887 by Warranty Deed and again from Carrie to R.S. Whalen 03 OCT 1887 by Warranty Deed.

From the Moody County Enterprise, Flandreau, Moody, SD:

February 2, 1882. Wm Jones has sold his stock of merchandise to E.A. Barlow, who will continue business at the old stand.

November 29, 1883. Edmund A. Barlow sold his stock of merchandise in his general store to William Jones on November 26, 1883.

December 6,1883. MARRIED: BARLOW - JONES. On Wednesday, Nov. 28 1883, by the Rev. H. Locke, Edmund A. Barlow to Miss Cora (correctly, Caroline) Jones, all of Flandreau. The Enterprise desires to add its congratulations to those of a host of other friends and hopes that the happy couple will decide to make their home permanently in Flandreau.

August 7, 1884. It is reported that E.A. Barlow is about to resume business and will go in with P.W. Van Gorder with a complete line of dry goods, shoes, and boots.

October 2, 1884. E.A. Barlow has opened a fine stock of dry goods in P.W. Van Gorder's grocery store. Mr. Barlow occupies one side of the room and Van Gorder the other.

April 30 1885. E.A. Barlow has moved from the Van Gorder building into one opposite that has been recently occupied by P.J. Landin.

April 6, 1886. E.A. Barlow has closed out his business here and started north the first of the week in search of a new location.

September 29, 1887. Bud Jones is running E.A. Barlow's store in Artesian (Diana) while Mr. Barlow is here auctioneering for the sale at Shields & Co.

November 10, 1887. E.A. barlow returned to Artesian, Tuesday as F.J. Shields & Co. have closed their auction sale of the merchandise in their store. Bud Jones returned from Artesian, Sunday. He made the distance - a triffle over 80 miles - on his wheel in eight hours.

Edmund Barlow Biography