

Section 12
Capturing the Animation
Information Index 


Capture & editing Software
12.1 Using Framethief
12.2 Capture Software
12.3 Equipment needed
12.4 Where to buy equipment


Using Framethief
There are many capture software programs available a list of which is available below. I am going to focus on the one I have chosen to use to make the secret life of ceravax animation. This software program is called Framethief and is available for download at it is also a shareware package so isn't very expensive. Once you have downloaded framethief onto you mac computer (only sutible for apple computers, For alternative PC software see below.) you will be ready to begin. Connect up your capture device in this case a digital camcorder with DV in/out capability. You should see an image in the capture screen this is in real time. You then set up your shot and begin by pressing the red capture button. This will then take one single frame, you will need 24-25 frames for every second of film. You can also film in doubles which means taking two images for every movement. This allows you to make only 12 movements of the character for every second of film. You also have the ability to preview what you have done and erase frames if you make a mistake. There are also other features available for more details on each of the capture packages check out the respective websites.

Capture Software
Mac Based frame capture software.

Stop motion software made for use with mac OS X. Gives the ability to capture frames and has a time lapse function. Available for all levels.

Stopmotion Studio
Mac Based capture software.

Mac Based stop motion animation software.
Capture Software for both mac and PC

Frame capture software for the PC User.

Free Frame Capture software for PC Users.

Adobe Premiere
Full editing package for video and movie making has a still frame capture function as well as many other resources.

Equipment Needed
To make a basic animation the equipment needed is simple. You need a capture device. It can be a traditional film camera with single frame capture as a feature or it can be a modern day digital camera/camcorder. If you are making the animation with a digital camera or camcorder then you will need capture software and a computer with plenty of memory as the images are taken by the software, saved on the computer and then all the images are spliced together to make the animation. The quality may not quite be of film standard but it still gives good quality and it can then be burned onto DVD when finished.

Other equipment is important such as lights, sets and props, characters to animate, editing software and for more advice on the subjects covered here. A choice selection of book to help make the process easier.

Where to Buy equipment
Capture Devices
Capture Software (see list above)

Set materials
Armatures & Character materials

Editing Software

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Books on Editing Animation
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Section 13
Editing Animation

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